you're cool

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Both of them are teenagers in year 10 (about 14-15 y/o)!

"I'm ___ nice meeting you all" she said in front of her new class a bit embarrassed
"she the new one" "the new girl, it's her then" "She's kinda pretty i can't lie"

everyone was whispering things about her which made her even more nervous, it was her first day of school after moving out

"okay you can take the empty seat over there next to Luna"
"thank you" she said almost whispering
"okay class let's look over again yesterday's pages"

"so your name is ___? did i say it right?" she said smiling
"yes yes, your's is Luna right?"
"yeah Luna, and do you like here?
it's pretty old but still nice" she said chuckling
"oh yeah i like the cafeteria it's pretty big"
"over there be quiet no talking"

bell rings

"noo we got maths. It's so boring, i swear, even the teacher looks like she hates her job" luna told ___
"is she strict?"
"a little bit, she always gets mad at Ayaanle that dude always alwaysss asks to go to the toilet in her hours, it's mad"
"is there a reason or.."
"i think to skip a bit the class or just to annoy, you're going to see" she laughs a bit

into the class

"Yes, shabeel?" the teacher said annoyingly
"Can i go to the toilet" the supposedly Ayaanle asked
"why is it always you...look im not even going to argue just go, and be quick"
he stood up and left the classroom
"see, now he's going to stay there at least 10 minutes" she laughed

at the cafeteria

"we got pizza today!! you're lucky"
"it looks nice like a real pizza, i used to get really bad ones in my old school" ___ laughed
"c'mon lets go over there I'll introduce you to some of my friends"
___ quickly followed Luna over a table

"oh youre the new one I've heard about you" a girl said
"poeple are talking about me" ___ chuckled
"yeah but no worries it's not bad"

"Ayaanle yo" the toilet guy stopped by and dabbed one of Luna's friend?
he seemed serious tho plus he left very quickly.

"oh matt i didn't see you" luna said
"you're sittin with us today i guess"

"yeah i am, to know ___ a bit better" he smirked

as the day passed by, it was now time to go home

"___ I'm going i have to run since i got practice, byee"
"bye luna"
there was only me in class, the last one to left was Ayaanle so there was only me since i was the last one to finish the english work, so now I'm packing my things.

when i was done i left the classroom, and when walking in the hallway i heard..crying? i started to walk faster now.

in front of the exit door there was "toilet guy?" -why did i say it out loud, oh my god-
"what?" As soon as he saw ___ he left, almost running
___ followed him, when the both got tired they stopped
"what is- wrong with you.."
what is..wrong with- me? what is wrong with- you, why were you..crying"
they were practically running out of breath from the run

now more calm

"so why were you crying?"
"it's none if your business"
"just tell me please"
"why do you want to know so bad also why did you call me toilet guy? It's weird"
"toilet guy right just..forget about it, to the crying now, i know it's none of my business but you seemed serious the whole day especially at lunch"
"and what does that has to do with you"
"beacause at lunch you seemed annoyed and serious with one of luna's friends, and I'm kinda becoming luna's friend and you know..i don't want to have bad company.."
she said a bit shy, it was her first day of course she was going to be attentive of everyone and everything.

"you mean matt? hes no-one friend just hangs out with everyone so you're good with luna she's cool"
"but why were you like that?"
"he's just a dickhead you know, and people are always with him even though he talks shit about everyone"
"soo did he do the same with you? I'm sorry.."
"why are you sorry, not like you said something" he laughed
"i just feel bad for hanging out with him, he seemed cool"
"yeah but don't worry it doesn't look like he's going after you, you're new so you're like the cool one at the moment"
"am i?" she laughed she was everything but cool
"yeah belive it or not i heard he was going to make some moves on you"
"what?? oh my god, I'll ignore him even more then"
"really?, just be careful"
"yeah i don't like people like him, from what you told me he sounds like an asshole"
"i mean yeah he is"

"soo back to before are you ok?"
"i was avoiding the question pretty well, you have good memory" he laughed again
"but yeah i feel better thank you"
"I'm glad you seem a good person you know"
"really? everyone says I'm kinda of geek because of the things i like" he looked shy now.

"really? man, what are this things then? we might have something in common" as she chuckled.
"nah you're going to make fun of me"
"c'mon i won't, if you want I'll start"
"go on then" he said smiling.

"perfect then, let me think.. i like listen to music pretty much every genre like r&b or rap even classic music, i like action series and movies even animes"
"you also like animes?"
"yeah their pretty fun" while she laughed.
"do people make fun of you beacause of that? It's dumb"
"yeah i know, but I'm glad to know someone likes them too just don't tell people you'll end up like me" as he laughed.

"don't be so hard on yourself you're pretty cool-, oh my what time is it?" she quickly looked at her watch "man it's late i gotta go" she stood up and started to run while yelling "see you tomorrow toilet guy i liked talking to you!!"
he stood up and yelled as well "don't call me that!!" he then laughed
"she's not as bad as i thought she'll be"

"She's cool" as he started smiling

his heart was beating faster and not from the yeeling or the run of before.
but Her


A/N: i might do a part two, i liked this concept ^^ hope you liked it as well!

words: 1035

don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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