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"i'm not gonna explaing myself again Aj." she was pretty mad
"look im sorry, sincerly. i was just very insicured and scared i trust you i really do, it's just i don't know how to explain it. we don't see each other a lot, you know I've been filming a lot these past days, i missed you and i do want to pay attention to you"
he said all at once.

"i understand, but the type of attention you give me is not the attention i want. All you asked was where was i and with who, you were starting to seem a bit controlling.." she said more calm.
"i noticed that too about myself so i stopped im sorry if i scared you it wasn't my intention at all"
"I'm thankful you did. But then there was like zero interest, not even a call, which i would've preferred a thousand times more than just texts.. I missed you too, you know?"
"I'm sorry.. I want to make up for you, i love you, and i didn't mean to make you feel that way i want to redeem myself. "
"Thank you, and you don't have to 'redeem yourself'."

she chukled a bit
"As I've said before, i only want more attention.  i felt unseen and unappreciated"

"And i know you didn't mean it that way Aj"

He looked at her eyes for a few seconds with an upset look on his face.

He got close to her and quickly gave her a big warm hug.

"I'm sorry" as he got out of the hug.
he cupped her cheks and gave her multiple pecks on her lips and her face. "I'm gonna free my schedule, alright?" he gently said.

"i love you"
"i love you too ___"

They decided to spend the night together, as they were sleeping a car outside made some noise and so the both woke up

"what the fuck was that" she told with a sleepy voice
"was a car probably, don't worry keep sleeping" he got up and closed better the window.

when he got in bed he hugged ___ from behind
"you closed the window?" her head was up looking for him "yeah you can sleep now"
she snuggled more into the blankets, and since Aj was the big spoon, he left a kiss on her neck
"doon't it's ticklish"
he quietly laughed and gave her another one making her look up to him

"I'll stop I'll stop alright, goodnight ___"


A/N: ngl i didnt know how to start 😭 its a bit short im sorry but i hope you still liked it! thank you again for the requests i appreciate them ♡

(feel free to send a request you can comment it in "one shots." or send me a dm ^^)


don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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