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Aj's pov

"and again sorry" i said "Aj i understood and i can see you're sorry" she smiled at me and proceeded to put her hand on top of mine. she's so beautiful, i entwined our hands, i could feel the warm build-up quickly.

I missed her so much.


as i was walking my way home i see a notification popping, it was niko

《new message》niko🦒: how did it go?

I was pretty near alredy, so i could just tell him in person. I turn off my phone and kept walking.

___'s pov

i unlocked the door and quickly entered, i left all my things on the floor and went directly to lay more likely i trhew myself onto the bed.
"what just happen" i said whispering, i was still trying to catch up breath since i ran here

bzz bzz*

《new message》luna ☆: did it go well?

I cliked onto the notification and just straight up called her.

"WHAT HAPPEND??" she instantly screamed "you're gonna burst my ear" i had the phone a little far "don't be dramatic, how did it go then? im curious" "it went well, i definitely didn't expected him to be so open to talk about how he felt" "AAAAAA thats good then right?"
"Lunaaaaa please stop screaming, and i guess so, his voice was cracking a bit too" i don't know why but i said whispering the last thing "thats kinda cute awh, im glad ___ , but most importantly: one how are you, and two did he said something important? like a main thing"
"i'm pretty good now but i was nervous literally eating me from the inside after we talked i felt good probably beacause i kinda missed his presence we even held hands for a bit" "HELD HANDS ALREDY?" "aaa yes i know, plus luna c'monn we're not kids" i let out a chuckle "to your second point he did, he told to be back togheter" "AA what did you say???" "im getting theree, i just told him to wait" i said "yeahhh you know your worth, but even more important what did he said? better had given you the right and praise you" she said chucklinga bit "i quote 'im gonna wait all the time you need' i felt really appreciated but i still don't know, i mean he did promised me to change" "that was cute, but yeah. ___ think, think about it well how you felt with him especially how you felt with his words" she said softly this time "thank you im gonna think well about it then"

We then started talking about random stuff and how Luna's day had been so far while i changed my clothes.

Returning to Aj's pov

"yeah man WE HELD HANDS" i said really happy "yoooo and what did she said for the getting back thing?" he grabbed me and shaked me "she's gonna think about it, of course" i said smiling a bit "and what did you answered" he said making a gesture with his hand "that i'm gonna wait for her" "AAAAH man i'm so happy for you, you really love her don't you" he was smiling hard and
so was i.

"yeah man, she's beautiful."


shortt chap sorryyy, i kinda, kinda like this one so i hope you too lmao, anyways we're close to an end :]‼️

words: 533

don't forget to vote if you liked it thx !! ♡

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