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(y/n) followed gojo along silently eyes wide eyed as this was one of the rare occasions that the gojo family let her big brother bring her along in his everyday life, "you nervous?" gojo looked back at (y/n) a smug look splattered on his face, his blue eye barely visible resulting of his glasses "nope! i wanna help miss mei mei and miss iori!"(y/n) beamed up at him "that's what i like to hear!" gojo said before leaping forward and grabbing her under his arm,a giant explosion came out of no where and he flew up holding (y/n) protectively and waited until the explosion calmed down to land "i've came to help you...utahime!" he tossed me aside and stood menacingly on top of the rubble facing her

"you cryin'?" he gawked down at her, she got up angrily "i'm not crying!! respect your elders!" she threw some of the rubble on her to side, "if i cried would you console me? i wouldn't say no to that" mei mei placed a hand on her hip confidently looking unaffected by the explosion, gojo turned his gaze to face her "you wouldn't cry you're strong" he shoved his hands in his pockets, "gojo! i didnt-" utahime stood up angrily and (y/n) ran up excitedly peered down the crater created "nuh uh! you definitely were miss iori!" her face deadpanned as she meet (y/n)'s eyes

"this is way worse! now there's two of you!" she looked back between you and your older brother, you started snickering as a curse popped up behind her leaving a shocked look in her eyes "don't swallow it, we'll take it in later. satoru, (y/n) it's not nice to pick on the weak" your eyes lit up as you saw geto walk in the view "geto!" you excitedly yelled and jumped off the cliff you were currently standing on and ran into his arms "who the heck's is gonna pick on someone strong?"gojo argued, geto picked you up into his arms and placing you on his left shoulder, (y/n) crouched down close to his ear "you're also teasing her mister geto!" you whispered

"gah!" he made a over exaggerated face to match your childish tone, shoko slowly walked into the scene "utahimeee...are you okay?" she lowered her body to talk to her "shoko!" utahime had little tears in her eyes great full to finally see a face she knows won't tease her, "we were worried about you since you didn't call for two days" shoko waved, utahime ran up to shoko and hugged her tightly "shoko! don't become like those two okay! they're already ruining (y/n)!", "haha! don't worry i won't become trash like that!" gojo and geto looked at her with a lost look, shoko let go of utahime and walked up to geto

"for this little one however!" she reached up and grabbed you off of geto's shoulder and held you up to see (y/n)'s cute face " i fear your too far gone! oh yes you are!" she tickled your stomach as you laughed "mi- ha! miss shoko! hahaha! i'm soorrry!" you tried to push her away but then she pulled you in to a tight hug "oh don't worry sweetie" she rubbed ur head gently before shooting a death stare into gojo's way that your were ignorant to "your not the one i blame", "where's the curtain?" mei asked getting me and shoko out of our joyful reunion. you ofcourse had no idea what mei was on about but on the other hand, the second year trio had a dreadful smile on their face

we all sat infront of yaga waiting for the scolding he was gonna give "before we discuss the mission, i would like to talk about (y/n) gojo being here" he sighed dreading the few days you will be present here, gojo smiled proudly "ah yes! my cute little sister!" "yes ofcourse" yaga said annoyed pausing for a moment "given the fact that (y/n) is cable of taking care of her self, this doesn't excuse the fact that this world is very dangerous. can i trust you three will take care of her?" he switched between the faces of the three second years, they all nodded profusely "alright then, let's talk about today"

he questioned them while you sat innocently beside geto "there's someone here who said that they put up a curtain...and then they up and left the auxiliary manger behind and forgot about the curtain too. fess up" he finished his sentence. geto and shoko instantly pointed fingers at gojo which then made your big brother raise his hand as if he had a question "sensei! we're better than pointing fingers at each other!" he looked around until his eyes landed on you "who do you think it was? i trust your judgement as you were with the suspect" he interrogated you, you looked at gojo nervously and he shot a glare back at you. you slowly raised your hand towards gojo "you snitch!" he yelled

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