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"get off him!" you ran up quickly and raised your hand to kick him off your brother but his eyes darted towards you he pulled the knife out of gojo's chest and before you could reach him he slashed your stomach, not too deep as not wanting to get to close to you, he was aware of your curse technique after all. gojo looked at your state blood gushing out of your mid section "(y/n)!" geto yelled at he released a curse out of his palm

the man jumped up and stood menacingly with one of geto's curses behind him, the worm looking curse on his shoulder spouting a new sword "i'm not looking to die today" he said looking down on you, the curse wasted no time closing its mouth on him. geto ran up to check on the gojo siblings but he was quickly stopped by a hand from gojo "it's fine, my cursed technique didn't make it in time but he didn't hit any vital organs and i reinforced my curse energy to make sure he didn't do further damage. really i'm good. amanai is the priority, i'll take care of this. hurry on to master tengen's place" gojo said

geto trusted his best friend to take care of this and moved ready to escort riko "don't let your guard down!" geto yelled "who do you think you're talking to?" gojo boasted, geto moved towards you and held you in his arms as he ran to master tengen's place. you slipped in and out of consciences, geto looked down at your face as he walked through the tombs of the star corridor "(y/n), are you okay?", your face was turning more pale. he lifted your shirt to check the wound, it wasn't deep just stretched across your stomach, geto was sure you would be fine "is sato gonna be okay?" you breathed through lidded eyes

geto laughed, even though you were wounded your biggest concern was on your big brother. "don't worry about him, he's gonna be okay" geto shook his head, he placed you down against the wall "stay here, i'm gonna do some business and be back for you, rest." he said with a serious tone laying down, you grabbed your stomach as the blood pooled under you. he walked towards riko and as she said her tearful goodbye to kuroi, you watched as they talked heavy breathes leaving your mouth. they're conversation went from calm speaking to riko crying her eyes out, she grabbed her skirt with emotion, geto reached out his hand and it seemed like gojo and geto will have to fight master tengen as the plasma vessel refused the merger.


the noise made my ears ring and my eyes shut with fear, you slowly opened your eyes and came to realize the situation. riko was dead. she was laying on the floor, blood splattered from her head with geto standing over her in shock. a tear rolled down your cheek as the girl you spend your past days with was dead "all right, good show! time to wrap things up" the same man your big brother was fighting walked through the door "why...are you here?" geto turned his face slowly his pupils shaking with anger "why...? oh, gotcha" the man said raising his gun to forehead

"i killed satoru gojo."

"i see...then die" geto released a gigantic curse shaped like a dragon as the man smirked ready for the fight, the man walked slowly up to geto and you couldn't focus on a single word being said. satoru gojo, satoru, sato, your big brother is gone. you sat there, not being able to move a single muscle, although the gash wasn't deep your weak inexperienced body couldn't handle it. the single tear that formed for riko was replaced by a waterfall of tears. you couldn't sob, you just sat there as tears flowed down, almost rivaling the the amount of blood that pooled under you.

geto's dragon flew forward in light speed and the man had no trouble cutting through one of geto's hardest skin curses in his arsenal, geto released in another curse which looked much like a girl with long black hair it then threw knifes that circled the man but they were all flicked away with no struggle with one arm, geto used it as a distraction to come close to the man but the worm on his back looked back and flicked geto's arm away and then spitting out a knife and the man used it to cut a x shape into geto's chest. geto fell to the floor and the man kicked him towards you, snapping you out of your trance and back to reality

"you'll be fine since your a sorcerer, i woulda killed you if you were shikigami user but since you're a curse manipulator... i dunno what'll happen either the curses you've taken in if you die, i'd rather avoid the trouble for now, be sure to thank your parents. but you guys, with all the blessings still lost to a monkey like me, who can't even use jujutsu. don't you dare forget that if you wanna live a long life" he said proud of all the carnage he caused "wait!" you used all your power to get up, you stood their shaking with pain and fear as the man who ended your big brothers life and your friend's, who has geto on the floor only alive because the man who stood before you chose to spare him.

"is my...is satoru really dead?" he looked at you not even aware of your presence until now, you walked up to him slowly blood dripping down after you forming a trail behind you. he didn't say anything only blessing you with the slight turn of his head to look at you "answer me!" you yelled in frustration "i promise you! if my big brother is really dead...i'm gonna grow up and get strong and kill you!" you were now infront of him as he looked down at your glare and it looked like something flash through his mind

"oh... i remember now, megumi. the name means 'blessings' and i'm the one who gave him that name" he said not paying attention to the tearful child that stood infront of him "what the hell are you on about!" you moved your arm in a fist of anger but he moved his arm swiftly and made you fall backwards landing next to geto, he chuckled and started walking away "you better count your blessings too little girl, the only reason your alive is because your dear family has their eyes on you...maybe i have my own reasons too" he couldn't even spare you a look as he spoke

you layed their your eyes stuck on the dusty roof tops, you looked over at geto "suguru...please...get up, avenge my big brother...ple-" you suddenly chocked on your own blood, you involuntary used your hand to pull you up resting on your elbow to spit out the blood. your coughs were enough to wake geto up, he slowly opened his eyes "(y/n)" you couldn't hear him over the sound of your coughs and the metallic taste in your mouth, he took a moment to realize the situation and quickly got up to visit shoko "(y/n) close your eyes it's okay now" he smiled down at you, you smiled and let the fatigue in your body take over

you woke up to a empty white room, you shifted around taking in your surroundings, your in shoko's office. suddenly the memories of the past day came back to you and the words that man said ran through your ears, this time you had enough energy to be able to openly cry "sato, satorrruuu" your sobs echoed through the room, your eyes were tightly shut "i want my mommy...i want sato" you sniffled, as a kid you didn't really have a grip on death yet but you knew that means a person is gone, forever

a white flash went past the window and then the door swung open, it was him, gojo. he's alive! you reached out your hands through sniffles "stop crying you idoit...you really thought some old geezer would take me down?" he smiled sincerely, he stood there for a moment before wrapping you in his arms "satoooo...i thought you were gone" you cried into his shoulder "don't worry (y/n) nothing can take me kill me" he pulled away looking into your blood shot eyes "except maybe....you!" he joked and then started tickling me

he pulled away and sat on the bed infront of you "(y/n) youre gonna go home okay? it's not because i don't want you here, don't think that....it's just not the right time" he said not daring to look at you, the tears in your eyes started to dry and the weight of what happened set in , you remembered gojo's phone call, the horrific sites you saw, how during probably the whole time they were most worried about you "when?" he was pulled aback by your lack of resistance but then smiled to him self "they're outside"


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