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"itadori! i think they heard you shut up!" you snapped, he ignored you "nanamiinnnn!!!" he carried on, "hey, dude" megumi said with irritation, he slapped the back of yuji's head, "megs!" you gave him a quick high five, he raised his hand to high five you back moving his eyes from yuji to you, he paused "were you crying?". "it's okay, it was dumb anyways" you laughed trying to change the subject, it was clear he was gonna bring this up later, you shifted your attention to nanami "nanami, geto he sealed satoru...atleast someone acting as him"

"is that where you ran off to?" he tilted his head "yeaah!" you stuck your tongue out, "the attacking from the nearby stations does indeed make sense,but in order for that to work, we must lift the curtain first. there are several things only a grade 1 sorcerer like me can handle, i'll head outside and take care of it with ijichi. in the mean time i'd like for you four to do something about the curtain prohibiting sorcerers from entering, ino" he placed his hand on his hip, ino jumped down from the ledge he was sitting on "nanami! i'm a grade 1 sorcerer why can't i help" you complained "i need you here watching over them, alright?" he said, i sometimes hated how the adults who i grew up with babied me, i'm not a child anymore.

"kusakabe and supreme grade 1 sorcerer zenin should be inside the curtain as well. if you meet up with them, please explain the situation and ask for their help. also...i'm leaving these three in your care"nanami walked off, "understood!" ino stated. he stood there for a moment grateful for the trust nanami placed in him "you guys!" he shouted all of a sudden causing us to flinch "before we start the mission, let's make sure you understand it's importance. starting with...two problems if gojo disappears! number one! the gojo family will fall from power! the gojo family is a one man team of satoru gojo. gojo's so flexible that he saved many a sorcerer!! itadori your one of them right?" he pointed at yuji "yup!" "so nonchalant!"
he opened his mouth to carry on but you interrupted

"hey hey hey! one man team?!" you walked up to him angrily "ah! (y/n)...no offense but gojo is stronger" he said barely above a whisper "you wanna die?!" you pulled his ear and shouted directly in it. you pulled back and turned to yuji and megumi "i'll explain the second point...the balance of the world will collapse, there are those who stayed in the shadows because of his existence. curse users and curse spirits will make their move" you huffed, placing your hand on your hip and explained to the two boys, mostly yuji. "thank you for explaining, (y/n)" ino smiled anxiously, you looked back at him with a glare and went back to your spot next to megumi

"while we sorcerers are squabbling with the first issue...what would happen if we get into a small scale war against those two groups, we'll lose! nanami and i both think that's what'll happen and if we lose?" ino carried on with his exposition dump "at the very least in japan, the age of humans might be over" megumi said mostly to himself but yuji's mouth fell agape "so you do get it!" ino smirked and walked up to us "then let's get to it! we'll destroy the curtain before nanami comes back!" he gave yuji and megumi a gentle push and they both started walking "and rescue...satoru gojo!" you ran up behind them jumping up excitedly

you and the rest of your group ran to the curtain, you stood in the front of it, as curses jumped forward you would simply move your arm crushing the curses so the rest of the group would preserve their power. as you ran, yuji looked at you slashing away crushes with ease although they were low level curses, he still thought you looked cool as it was his first time seeing you with action. as you continued forward, the curtain came into view. you speed up charging up a partially strong attack that never failed you before, as your fist came in to contact with the curtain, you stood their for a moment looking at your hand making a ripple in curtain "ow! what the hell!" you pulled back your hand and shook it in pain.

you pulled back and looked at the curtain angrily, you released a flurry of kicks and punches at the curtain, after a few minutes a small rip appeared but it was quickly recovered and sealed up. you groaned and fell back on the floor "it's no use!", yuji walked up behind you and distanced his legs and started punching the curtain "no luck! it won't even budge" he joined you on the floor "g-good try!" ino tried to lift our spirits "it's a incredibly sturdy curtain. we have to find a weak spot...and try to make a hole there, there's no point if we can't even get inside" megumi stood next to you helping you up "what! why?" yuji said kicking away a curse

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