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i walked along with gojo down a hallway as he carried riko in his arms "oh you're awake?"gojo said softly, she took a moment to realize where she was before giving him a quick slap to the face, she jumped out of his arms "you jerk! if you wanna kill me so badly...why don't you go first!?!" she got into a weird fighting pose. geto walked up to her slowly as not to frighten her "hey riko, don't worry. we're not here to abduct you" he waved sweetly "liar! you look like a liar! and what's with those bangs!" she shrieked, geto smiled a smile that didn't mean anything good is gonna happen. "oi! we're trying to help you idiot!" you stepped in "why is there a kid here! did you forget your pacifier?" she mocked.

a silence fell over the room as we stared at big mouthed girl, geto and gojo started pulling her apart from her legs and hands "gaaaahhh!!!" she yelled and you started pulling her two braids "p-please stop!" a lady said in a maid uniform "kuroi" a smile appeared on riko's face "my lady, these are our friends!" she said while riding on one of geto's curses, geto walked up and nudged her off. he walked back to me and picked me up placing me on the curse, "(y/n) go explore while the adults talk okay?" he smiled and patted my head "but she's not much older than me!" you whined. he kissed my forehead "please, for me?" he smiled and you huffed "fine! only because your my favorite"

you roamed around the building and looked out the windows taking in the view of the pretty city, giving them around ten minutes until you came back into the room, before you stepped in you heard gojo talking in a aggressive tone, it seemed to only be him and geto present in the room from the sounds being emitted from the room

"it's too dangerous for her here, i wouldn't mind (y/n) being here if it was a normal mission i was on, yknow how much i love her"

you smiled to your self at the words

"i don't care if you think it's good experience for her, she's too young for this!"

"i'm sending her back as soon as i can"

"what gathering could be so important that (y/n) can't be present there"

"can she at least sit this one out?"

"your being unreasonable, bye"

gojo hung up the phone angrily and geto voiced cut in "satoru, don't worry about it we can protect her. like you said, we're the strongest right?" he tried to comfort him "suguru, it's not that. i don't want her seeing all these things...for now at least" gojo sighed

you lead the curse to walk away and you finally stopped at a window looking down at the area where you and gojo fought vayer, the door swung open and gojo and geto walked out "alright sis! let's go" gojo cheerfully said, it always weirded you out how fast he can switch his emotions "where we going?" you smiled
"we gotta go to riko's school just keep her safe, you won't cause trouble right?" geto said making a baby voice at the end of his sentence

as we arrived at the school geto went off somewhere and i was left with gojo and kuroi, "why are we running sato" you said while gojo carried you on his back while you held on "she's under attack, our mission is to protect her...hey, why don't you stay on my back and keep me safe?" he beamed "alright!" you knew that he didn't need protection, even his blind spot was safe but after hearing that conversation you didn't wanna make trouble. we ran until we reach a church looking building "amanai!" gojo swung the doors open with both his arms and you tighten your grip on him, my eyes landed on her and she looked embarrassed out of her mind.

"amanai! is he your boyfriend?!"
"no! he's my cousin!"
"he's so tall for high schooler!"
"show your face!"
"woah he's so hot!"

gojo pulled off his glasses "don't get too full of your self!" riko yelled, "hey everyone settle down! how shameful!" the teacher said walking up to us "you're interested in him too!" one of the girls yelled. she stood infront of us "this completely inappropriate even for family members" she scolded "sorry miss it's a emergency" i said trying to sound as cutesy as i could "my bad" gojo chimed in, she looked at gojo for a moment "here's my number by the way" she said quickly in a hushed tone "hey! that's against the rules!" another girl yelled and chaos of teenage girls erupted, gojo used the chaos as distraction to jump up and grab riko by her shirt "we're heading straight to jujutsu high, you don't want your friends to get involved right?" he said carelessly not even bothering to look at her, i looked down to see her sad face as no words could leave her mouth.

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