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"fushiguro! (y/n)!" you heard someone yell, you opened your eyes and you were on top of a passed out megumi, i'm not dead! you smiled and pushed your self up but how? you looked as that same curse that you fought flew around you with a comforting aura, you looked at your body and your wounds will still present, not as severe but just as painful. "yaga! take megumi out of here! he's severely injured!" you said sternly "no your coming too" he replied "nuh uh! i need to help!" you argued back "no, that curse is the only reason your not dead. i watched it heal that gash on your stomach...be great full you're not dead" he jumped down and grabbed your arm but you slapped it away "you're not the boss of me old man" you said and started running towards the area with the leveled buildings "and take care of megs for me!" you yelled back cheerfully and yaga sighed in defeat

you kept running until a mass of people came into view, kenjaku in the middle of the chaos. urame was on top of the battle standing menacingly on a ice shard, you thought about the options as you ran closer. i should turn off my cursed energy as not to be sensed, you thought but you didn't even have the chance to carry through your plan through as numerous ice shards appeared above the people you cared about. you looked close at the people under and your eyes landed on yuji, without thought you activated your curse technique and jumped at the end of the iceberg and lifted your leg to kick it, a surge of cursed energy appeared emitting from you.

before the ice berg can completely disappear you grabbed on the ledge and pulled your self up to the top of the ice and ran as it disappeared behind you, you jumped of at then end and landed in front of kenjaku, eye to eye. "i was wondering when your gonna appear again" he smiled with malice, "yo!" you raised your arm, touching your head lightly then pulling it out and waving acting as if the scene unfolding never happened. "careless, sensitive (y/n)" he placed a hand on his hip and shook his head "you're injured, when you used your cursed technique the ice didn't disappear instantly...i advice you take a seat and watch" he rubbed his chin and tilted it to the side then tapped his right thigh "i'm not stupid kenjaku, you may have his face but you'll never be him" you shrugged and then moved with lighting speed towards him, landing a hit on his lower jaw which caught him off guard but he caught up with your moves and grabbed both your arms

he looked you dead in the eyes inches apart "now tell me, which do you wanna join? your dear big brother or his best friend in the afterlife?" he leaned closer, you felt rage at his words which caused your cursed energy to flare up and his arms that gripped yours starting to shake, your eyes widened as he raised your arms upwards and connected them before taking both hands and plunging them in your stomach which caused you to fly back. luckily for you two familiar arms caught you, you looked up to see yuki tsukumo smiling brightly "yuki!" you beamed and she landed on the ground setting you beside her where you struggled to stay up, yuji was also there under some rubble. yuki saw you struggle to stand so she sweeps you back in her arms and set you down next to yuji

"it's been a while geto. it's not nice to pick on people yknow? especially when they're injured...so! can i get your answer from before?" she posed cutely, pulling her knees close to each other and making a kissy face with her pointer finger close to her lips "what kind of girls are you into?" she singsonged, kenjaku you glared with a grin "yuki tsukumo!", you ignored the speech yuki was on about and turned to yuji. "(y/n) are you okay? where's fushiguro?" you toon a moment as all the pain from the day had finally settled in, the adrenaline was gone and all that was left was the after math "i'll be okay, megumi's with yaga he'll also be okay...don't worry yuji" you smiled at him and you finally could see his state, he had ice covering his left arm and you subtly flinched and used your arm summon a very weak attack towards yuji to flick off the ice

"the next stage of humanity...lies in breaking away from cursed energy" yuki's was heard as she grinned widely "no. it lies in optimizing cursed energy" kenjaku's face turned serious "actually i don't get either" yuji says quietly "i thought you abandoned that method 12 years ago...when toji zenin died" kenjaku continued on "i was talking to geto, oh well. i came back to the original principles, besides your method has a big hole. compared to japan, extremely few sorcerers and cursed spirits appear overseas, tengen's barrier is necessary for optimizing cursed energy" yuki said slightly disappointed that geto couldn't answer "oh! that's why the only ones capable of becoming sorcerers and optimizing cursed energy are the humans of this country" you said giddily finally understanding what yuki was on about

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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