Interrogation - Hella

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Notes: (I'm also planning on writing the event stories, an example is the Raging Sands, Dreamy Bubble, etc. Soon in future updates! )

Word Count: 2928


Interrogation is where you investigate and uncover the mystery of criminals. Technically, it takes a minute or hour to make the Sinners answer one question properly, it's like asking a stranger to tell you their deepest secrets.

Now here you are in front of the door of the interrogation room with the Chief about to open it. Case files are in your hands as the Chief gestures for you to enter. Hesitating for a moment before quickly composing yourself and walking in, only to be met by a cold atmosphere and dimly lights along with cameras, monitors, and a table standing between the two chairs facing opposite each other. On the other side of the room is Hella, a bored expression evident on her face.

"Hehehe, you're finally here... I've been waiting a while, and I was getting bored." She said while looking at her side not bothering to even look at the person who just entered. "Come on in, didn't you want to 'interrogate me'?."

The Chief only ignored her and proceeded to sit in the chair opposite the Sinner girl. You stood beside her and placed the documents on the table, your hand moving to search for the light switch. The white light suddenly illuminates a young woman in the dark, squinting against the brightness.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to turn it off? " the Chief asks as Hella responds, rolling her eyes mockingly. "No, no, it's like that on purpose, to deter us, bad guys."

Soon, her attention went toward you. Bored eyes quickly lightened up and scarcely grinned when she saw you. "I thought this is just some boring 'interrogation', I guess I'm wrong." You stayed quiet, E/C eyes locking with hers. The eye contact lasted for a second until the Chief sharply cleared her throat, Hella frowned at this and returned to look back at the other woman. "You, though, Chief, look a little inexperienced... Is this your first time interrogating someone? Do you know what to do?"

"To understand you better."

"Haha, that's so gentle, Chief. Really classic 'good cop'. Looks like you know what you're doing."

There is no laughter in her eyes. Even though she was never a cute and sweet girl, her anger at this moment seems extraordinary. It's as if the person before you isn't the Sinner who fought beside you, shoulder to shoulder, but a hostile and intimidating criminal.

"let's get down to it, Chief. What do you want to ask? Do you want a record of my accomplishments in the Syndicate?" She stated as she added. "The Public Security Bureau has an extreeeemely thick file all about me. Shall we take a look?"

The Chief motioned for you to submit the evidence as you shuffled through the thick file of records and handed it to the Chief.

From N. F. 100 to N. F. 109, Hella committed 26 thefts, 35 scams, 5 kidnappings... There are even 15 prison breaks on her record.

Officer A's Note: She used sympathy for her own wounds. She played sympathy and lied to help her buddies get away with crimes... Remember, there's no such thing as "innocence" in Syndicate. They all grow up to be vicious and cunning criminals.

Officer B's Note: That dirty rat! She's treating the Public Security Bureau like she can just come and go as she pleases?! No matter what we do to her she's still unrepentant, let's just leave her to die in the Syndicate!

"You never had any special power? " The Chief questions.

"You figured it out! I wasn't born a Sinner, and the transformation was a long process" Replied the Sinner girl. "Next, you're going to ask me: When did the transformation happen, what happened, who was involved... Right? Your predecessors had already asked those questions countless times."

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