00 | Let's Get It!

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˚*✿❀ Vespertilio ❀✿*˚

Chapter 00 - blurb/author's note

ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ

With a final, devastating blow, you send the Nomu far away from the battlefield.

And as its monstrous form sailed through the air, your eyes lock onto Tomura Shigaraki's. Red vermillion filled with unbridled fury is what you meet.

Hmm...I'll fix that for him

❝YOU-❞ he starts, his voice dripping with venom, but he never finishes the sentence.

You materialize before him in a heartbeat, fingers wrapped around his neck in a vice-like grip. There's no triumphant glee in your eyes, only one of bored arrogance.

Time stops. Both heroes and villains alike freeze, their eyes widening at the sight of you-a mere student-holding the League of Villains ringleader by the throat.

Seething with humiliation, Shigaraki lungs for your wrist in attempt to regain control of the situation. His brittle fingers close around your skin, eyes squinting with a eerily grin as he waits for that satisfying crumble, that disintegration, that ultimate proof of his power.

But then he freezes. ❛No...no...nononononononono

Your skin....

My quirk....is absolute....It destroys.....So why...

Shigaraki's pupils tremble the longer he stares at your rapidly healing skin. It breaks and flake, like ashes scattering to the wind. And in their place, new skin forms, unmarred and whole as if nothing had happened.

Why isn't it working?

His thoughts whirl, a tornado of denial and disbelief, until the horrifying truth crashes into him: he is powerless against you.

Not so fun when it's happening to you...is it?

With a gnawing sense of dread, he shakily moves view from your wrist back to your eyes. Instead of reflecting the jovial tone of your voice; they were livid, bloodshot, filled with a rage and intensity he's never seen, never felt before.

Shigaraki realizes-without a shadow of doubt-that you have the power to crush his windpipe, to end him right then and there. Terrified, he breaks from your gaze and frantically tries to release himself from your iron grip on his throat.

And in that instant, his eyes betray him. A flicker of genuine, unfiltered fear seep deep in those once malicious filled eyes-fear of you.


If you came from my Dreamer BTS book, welcome back! If not, that means I'm at least doing sum right and gaining reads🤧

Not gonna do a whole ass speech, we all know the basic things. But to make sure, the most important things I wanna emphasis on will be bolded so you cant say I didn't warn ya:

1) Plagiarism is a HELLA big no no. Takes a lot of time and energy to even to write out a whole completed chapter other than half-assed drafts. If I find out you stealing without credit: I'm blocking and reporting until your account is taken down.

2) This story will contain profanity, violence, dark humor, and other mature themes

3) I will either skip over certain parts of the anime/manga or diverge the plot because I don't wanna follow every episode (too many bnha fanfics out here, gets redundant reading the same order of events)

4) Canon characters may/will be slight ooc, but will maintain their overall personality

5) Mc (you) will hold reference to inner Moka Akashiya when she transforms. Any and all toxic traits said and done are intentional

6) Mc height will not be explicitly stated, however just know it won't be too short, so please refrain from those "I'm 4'9 🥺 so short" whenever height is brought up. Its annoying, we don't need to know how tall you are fam. Just enjoy the book

7) Other than the white hair and red eye color whenever reader temporarily transforms into Moka: eye color, skin tone, and other descriptions are up to audience

8) Even if Mc simps after Aizawa, there will be no relationship. I don't care that the "age of consent in Japan is 13", its trifling and weird. Stop making excuses for why young kids can bang grown ass tax-paying fully brain developed ADULTS

9) I may end up making the book an "in-between arc" type of story if I either get too lazy or don't know how to end it

10) Please don't come on my most recent updated chapters and comment "can you update blah blah?" I live a life outside of Wattpad, so please don't be commenting "update update!" (plus that shit is hella rude and disrespectful and I don't like pressure; takes the fun out of writing) 🤷🏾‍♀

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