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❝Don't wait for any hero to save you, become one.❞



The fourteen-year-old boy lets out a faint choking noise as you glomp him with a smile, face slowly turning red the longer your cherry scent fills his nose. "__-____!"

Pulling back from the hug, you give him a tiny kiss on the nose. "Hello my cutie Zuki. How was your classes today?"

Izuku could only wheeze in reply.

"Great!" You simply loop your arm through his and continue with the conversation, "I was thinking we could go to the movies tom"

"Hey Deku!" You both tense at the sudden call. Slowly looking back, fear (him) and irritation (you) fill your bodies.

'Dammit. Not him again...'

Bakugo Katsuki stands before you, the embodiment of arrogance and menace.

You grumble under your breath at the stuck-up little boy.

So full of himself and harmful to those deemed below him, it always amazes you that no one had beat his ass yet for such an attitude.

You surely would have if it weren't for Izuku's constant pleads not to.


"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that shit?!"

"Y-yes. Sorry," the greenette recoils with a visible flinch causing Bakugo's Groupie to snicker.

"I saw your little shitty dream job report. Care to explain why you said hero when you don't even have a damned quirk!" Bakugo steps up with a sneer pulling at his lips.

Before he and the bullies could get any closer, you get in the way. "Hey! Back the hell up before somebody get their nuts kicked in again!"

A wince passes over all of their faces.

Bakugo takes a hesitant step back despite the emotion of anger on his face. "Hah?! You still wanna play hero? You really think that little fruit bat quirk can beat me?"

"And you think just because you have a Sparky Sparky Boom Man quirk, Imma bow down? Izuku!" the poor boy jumps at the sudden call of his name with a skittish y-yes?

"Take this off so I can remind him I'm not one of his little friends."

Turning to the greenette, the rosary connected to the choker around your neck hauntingly glistens in the sunlight as you lean towards him.

The groupie's faces pale once realizing what you wanted, internally wincing at the phantom pains from the first time they 'fucked around and found out' with you.

To this day, they never willingly seek out to bully Izuku on their own. Instead, they wait until Bakugo is around to do so since he (unfortunately) wasn't there to meet Moka.

Only a few know what happens when that specific piece of jewelry is removed.

Despite the tellings, many only find it as a decorative piece and play off the past stories as a hoax or tall tale - queue the Angry Pomeranian™ (he gon learn one day...just wait).

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