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❝Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.❞


*ten months later*

"Don't forget our lesson after you finish the exam! You still haven't mastered the grapevines yet." The sound of your mother's worried voice filled your head as you scrambled to get dressed.

"O-okay Ma!"

Spending all night thinking of ways to get out of the exam, you finally settled on "accidentally" sleeping in.

That was until halfway falling back asleep after cutting off the alarm, you remembered you were supposed to meet up with Izuku.

And knowing him, he would most definitely wait the entire time (and end up missing the exam).

Hence your frantic movements.

Racing down the stairs, you send a glance towards the wall and release a sigh of relief. 'Enough time to spare...'

"Alright, mom and dad!" A look of satisfaction crosses your features when feeling your blood bag -which you prefer to call juice pack- and a pouch of various fruit seeds in your skirt's pockets, "I'm on my way out!"

"Are you sure you're not hungry? Do you need a sweater? Ah! Let me at least brush your hair before you g—"

You cut her off with a kiss on the cheek, running over to do the same to your dad. "I've got a juice pack with me, no thanks I'm not cold, and you can brush it once I get back I promise. Love you guys, bye!"

"You're gonna ace this sweetie, so don't worry too much!"

"No matter what happens, we'll be proud."

Even if you don't care about passing or not, hearing your parents' encouraging words still brought a smile to your face.

Speed walking all the way to your designated spot, you catch a glimpse of fluffy green hair.

A mischievous grin pulls at your lips. Taking a deep breath, you let out a scream as you charge towards your unknowing victim.


Izkuku tenses, head quickly turning around in time to be met with your chest as you jump on him.

He instinctively catches you by the back of your thighs causing your brows to raise at the new development.

Speaking of such new developments, you notice something different about him...

"Hmm, Zuki. Have you been working out?"

Your hands travel along the sides of his arms as he continues to hold you, kneading into the muscled biceps in fascination. 'How the hell did he get this?!'

The feeling of your touch makes Izuku realize the compromised position you two were in.

As in him holding you as your legs wrapped around his waist and chest still pushed into his face.

A position that is often associated with lovers.

His hands tighten their grip on your thighs, his face going completely red to the ears.



𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐎 ᵇⁿʰᵃWhere stories live. Discover now