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❝Brave birds still fly through the fog.❞



Moving towards your own station, a look of determination is set on your face.

'Time for Plan B: Do the bare minimum and go after the faux villain with zero points to say at least I tried when I truly didn't to commence!'



You take a glance at the students around you, some having faces of confidence while others looked damn near ready to drop out.

'Okay,' after a deep breath and some short stretches you walk up closer to the gates, 'let's do this!'

Right as you finish your pep talk, Present Mic's voice fills the arena.


You burst into a sprint, leaving the gawking and still frozen students behind in the dust as you move further into the simulated city.

"Remember listeners, there are no countdowns in a real battle! So go! You're wasting time!"

Not even a minute later the sounds of explosions and battle-cries appeared.

You had to admit, these kids were beasts when it comes to wanting to get into UA.

One moment you'd see a 1pointer, and when you blink, it was gone; bits and pieces of metal being the only evidence it ever existed.

A good portion of your time consisted of you avoiding any robots while also dodging numerous fallen metal scraps.

With your only tasks being not being flattened or spotted, it gave you enough time to observe the 'competition'.

And truth be told, you felt bad for most of them.

While those with flashier quirks stole both the show and villain points, others resorted to finding other ways to gain points - some not at all.


Your head instinctively snaps towards the source of the angered shout.

He seemed to also dodge and avoid any falling metal while failing to destroy any of the robots.

A cracking sound echoes through the air.

You look up in time to see a destroyed robot fall back into a building, causing a big chunk to break off and tumble down.

Right above the boy.

"H-hey! Look out!" Your panicked scream makes the indigo-haired boy stop and look at you in confusion.

'Shit shit shit!'

Without a second to waste, you rush over, dodging any debris on the ground as the shadow of the falling piece of rock gets bigger.


It seemed your words were finally processed in his head when he looks up.

His eyes widen in fear, body frozen from shock.

Putting all you have in your legs, you let out a shout and jump.

The boy releases an oof when your body makes in contact with his, both of you rolling and tumbling across the concrete just as the debris hits the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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