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❝Your laughter vines through my hair, roots growing into my heart.❞


AGE: 7

Happily playing in the sandbox, laughter and shouts of your classmates filled the air as you basked under the sun's warmth.

Its rays shone down, the sunlight making the flower bulbs glow like tiny stars within your hair (sadly, the only time you truly appreciated them).

Recess was always the highlight of your day, a chance to break free from the confines of the classroom.

"Okay, class! Recess is over, time to let the next class have fun!" Miss Teiko's voice cuts through the buzz, calling everyone back inside. 

But as always, it ended too soon.

Reluctantly, you trudged back towards the school building, your gaze drifting across the yard as if to forever remember the fun you just had.

And that's when you see them: Midoriya and Bakugo, heading out for their own period of recess.

Ever since your visit to their class a couple of weeks ago, you've began noticing the two more often when passing in the halls or transitioning to recess – like now for example.

You perk up when the greenette catches your eye, quick to throw a wave and bright smile which he (albeit shyly) returns with his own.

Once back in the classroom, you settle into your seat with a hum of content; the familiar structure of desks and colorful drawings on the wall surrounding you in comfort.

That's when it happened – you felt it first, a tiny tickle, deep inside your nose. Your face scrunch up, eyes squeezing shut in attempts of stifling it, but the sensation grew stronger.

With an almost explosive force, you release a thunderous sneeze.


The unexpected sound echo throughout the classroom, startling everyone. You blink, eyes opening to view of frozen and surprised faces.

Embarrassed, you feel bad about causing such a loud disruption and bashfully apologize. "S-sorry..."

"No need to apologize." Miss Teiko is the first to break the silence, a reassured grin on her face. "However, that's not why the class is silent."

"W-what?" Growing more confused, realizing their gazes were focused above your head made you immediately think the worst.

Shakily, you reach up, feeling delicate petals where there should have been hair and hard small bulbs. 'Wait...'

You look up at Miss Teiko in disbelief. Her widening grin and giddy nod only eggs you on, making you scramble from your tiny chair in a rush.

The whispers and clambering of your trailing classmates were ignored as you scurried to the Affirmation Station; a mirror decorated with positive messages, whimsical clouds, and fluttering butterflies.

Once in front of the mirror, the image of your reflection made you see what made the others speechless:

In your hair, various cherry blossoms adorned it, creating a stunning floral crown. The petals, a blend of soft whites and delicate pinks, contrasted beautifully against your hair.

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