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❝A first meeting can be the start of a lifelong friendship, or a love story that lasts forever.❞


AGE: 7

"Are you ready, darling?"

Miss Teiko's voice, warm and soothing, cuts through your nervous fog.

She smiles down at you. Her fingers lightly brushing the small of your back, guiding you toward the doorway of the unfamiliar classroom. 

Despite her gentle coaxing, you say nothing. Your only response is tightening your grip on her skirt for comfort in the familiar.

Her light and musical chuckle fills the air. "It's alright sweetheart. They're all good kids in there," she coaxes.

Lifting your gaze, you notice another teacher by the door. Her presence is commanding, smelling faint of chalk and excluding an air of authority around her.

"She'll be just fine Teiko," the new teacher assures, albeit in a less comforting tone.

You clutch Miss Teiko's skirt until the last possible moment before letting go. Feeling as though you've left a part of your security behind, your eyes are wide and nervous, hands balling in uncertainty of what to do with them. 

You're hesitant to fully extend your hand towards the new teacher in fear of her being the type to not hold them.

But (to your) surprise, the stern woman reaches out the rest of the way and holds your hand in a softness you didn't expect; placing your grip to the sides of her skirts just as you had done your beloved teacher.

The women share a silent laugh at your the adorable look of awe before a wistful sigh escapes the younger of the two.

"Just... please take good care of her," Miss Teiko's voice wavers just a little as she turns to go, revealing her own attachment as her floral scent linger in the air. "She's a bit shy around new faces."

She catches your pleading eyes and gives you one last comforting smile before taking her leave. "See you tomorrow, okay? You'll have so much to tell me."

Once your beloved teacher is out of sight, you finally look up to meet the eyes of your temporary caretaker.

"I promise I won't be any trouble," your voice, barely above a whisper, breaks the silence.

Her eyes soften. "I don't expect you will be."

She turns and makes her way into the classroom with a small hum. "They call me Miss Shoko. You're in safe hands here, little one. Let's get you inside."



The first thing you're met with is a symphony of sounds: the scrape of chairs, clatter of crayon boxes, and the excited chatter of other children as they began to set up their creative spaces.

"Come with me," Miss Shoko says, her voice a soft timbre as she lead you to the front. The busy classroom seems to whirl around you. "I was just about to start coloring time. You can join in. Everyone, attention, please!"

The room falls silent, all eyes curiously turning towards you, or more precisely, on your hair. 'So many...'

Despite your quirk manifesting a year ago, your fruit-flower buds were still closed, appearing as white small bulbs throughout your strands of hair.

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