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❝All great changes are preceded by chaos.❞


AGE: 8

Midoriya Izuku lays on the ground in tears.

While small scratches and bruises covered his skin from Bakugo and his followers' attack, the large gash across his palm caused him the most pain.

'Am I really that useless because I'm quirkless? Is Kacchan right?'

As he continues to cry on the ground in sadness, darkness falls over him.

He curls into a smaller ball, convinced his bullies were coming back for more. 'Wouldn't be the first time.'

"Hey...are you alright?"

The new voice compels the young boy to look up. Through the haze of his tears, Midoriya faintly sees a small figure.

"Y-yeah," he quickly wipes away his tears, embarrassed that someone saw him like this, "I'm okay."

Vision finally cleared, he looks up once more.


Pale pink flowers are the first thing he sees.

They're scattered throughout the strands of your hair, making you appear ethereal in the sunlight. 'Is she a fairy?'

"Doesn't look like it." You look down at him in concern before squatting to his height. With you close enough, a strong scent apple surrounds him.

Packet of wipes taken out of your backpack, you start gently cleaning up his injuries.

Using your distracted focus as a chance to observe you, Izuku's gaze shifts from your concentrated expression to the delicate flowers adorning your hair.

They're familiar, comforting in a way that tugs at the edges of his memory. Then it hits him—a flicker of recognition stirring a quiet joy in his heart. 'Could it be?'

The flowers...

They were unmistakably similar to the one he found in his cubby last week, the latest addition to his invaluable collection of pressed flowers.

Hana, Izuku recalls briefly, the notebook he made in dedication to these cherished gifts several month ago—hidden away in his bedroom.

Though he still received a flower every now and then, the details of the person who gave him the first one were blurry; as it never progressed beyond those fleeting moment of kindness.

He only remembers she was a girl who was nice to him, leaving behind a single cheery blossom—the flower that started it all.

"Sorry!" You pull away with a sheepish grin, "I almost forgot to ask. Hope you don't mind me doing this."

It took a few moments for the poor boy to regain his bearings; too caught up in a swirl of thoughts while still too shy to speak, Izuku could only nod.

You perk up at his cooperation before continuing to clean him up.

Izuku could only sit there dumbfounded as you carefully wipe away the dirt smudges and tear marks from his face.

"These flowers... I've seen them before," he whispered, more to himself than to you.

You pause for a moment, movements stilling your eyes meeting his. There's depth in your gaze, a hint of recognition, but you say nothing.

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