you knew i'd come

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Third person pov

"This place looks deserted." Quill said as they entered Knowhere.

"I'm reading movement in the third quadrant." Drax said reading off his screen.

"Yup, I'm picking that up too." Quill responded. "Let's put down right here."

After landing the ship, the Guardians grab their weapons and head out to see what's going on.

Walking towards the quadrant, Jo pulls Quill back as the others walk ahead.

"What if something bad happens?" Jo anxiously asks.

"Nothing bad is going to happen, we're just gonna kill Thanos." Quill said as if it was a piece of cake.

"Something doesn't feel right." Jo shakes her head.

"It doesn't make sense." She says in a hushed tone.

"What?" Quill furrows his brows.

"Think about it. When we found Thor...he didn't even have a ship left." Jo explained but Quill still didn't understand. "Why would Thanos come here and leave everything...untouched."

Quill paused to think about it.

"And where is everyone?" Jo continued.

"Probably dead by now."

"And their bodies?"

"Maybe he burned them." Quill thought out loud.

"Then where's the fire?" Jo looked at him, proving her point.

Quill sighed and looked around. "Come one we gotta keep moving." He walked away to catch up with the group.

Joey's grip got tighter around the sword in her hand. She took a deep breath and tried to shove down the feeling of uncertainty before making her way back to her friends.

The group reached a section with crates and cases. Slowing their pace as soon as they heard two voices conversing.

Everyone followed behind Quill. He rose his hand in the air making a fist, signaling them to stop but they continue walking past him, making his eyes roll.

"I know you have the reality stone, Tivan." Thanos said to the Collector. "Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering." Thanos stepped on his chest, applying pressure.

Gamora and Jo both witnessed their exchange as they hid behind one of the large cases.

Joey turned to look back at Gamora, "We seriously need a vacation after this."

"What'd you have in mind?" Gamora whispers back.

After a second of thinking, Jo said "I've never been to a beach?"

"Then we will go to the most beautiful beaches in all the galaxy." Gamora entertained the thought. She was thinking about the guardians hanging out at the beach. How Mantis would try to build a sand castle. How Quill and Drax would probably drown each other. How Groot would be glued to his game and Rocket would be right there yelling at him. How she and Jo would lay down and watch it all unravel. Thinking about the warm sun left a smile on her lips. Leaving her thoughts, she wasn't looking at the waves anymore, she was looking at the teenage girl smiling back at her.

"Deal." Jo smiled.

Returning their gaze to the scene in front of them, Thanos continues to threaten the Collector.

Chaos In The Cosmos // Infinity War & EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now