if looks could kill

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Josephine's pov

Now, we didn't necessarily have a plan...

but then again, we never do.

We were angry and we'd do anything for Gamora.

As soon as the ship was on the ground motionless, we'd infiltrate it.

We were sneaking towards the ship, stealthily. I try not to panic. I'm tough, really I am. But I can't help my fears sometimes.

Nearing the entrance I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming."

Quill must've heard it too because just then, he grabbed a grenade off his belt and threw it inside. Giving us the advantage.

As we entered, three guys flew in different directions from the explosion.

They quickly looked over at us full of adrenaline.

"THANOS!" Drax screamed in rage as he threw his daggers towards a man with a red cloak.

The same red cloak that then proceeded to attack Drax.

I looked down at him as he laid there on the ground trying to rip it off his face.

He looked fine to me.

Suddenly my attention was drawn from above.

Quill uses his thrusters to fly into the air, attacking the man shooting energy pulses from his palms.

Mantis walks towards someone that was dreadfully scooting away from her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me!" He gasps horrified, before webbing her up.

I attack the man who sent his cloak after Drax. I swing my weapon towards him but he casts a shield to protect himself each time.

"Hm. Magic?" I ask.

"Master of the Mystic Arts." He prides himself.

"I like magic." I pant.

"You won't like mine." He warns me.

"That makes two of us." I smirk, dropping my sword to the ground.

He looks at me with furrowed brows and a confused expression.

My eyes flicker between their natural and enhanced state. Like a light bulb trying to stay on.

With all my focus, I manage to gain back some of that power I was told to use earlier.

I look down at my hands and a slight green glow starts emanating from the tips of my fingers.

"You have magic?" The man looks at me dumbfounded.

I shrug before responding.

"Abracadabra bitch."

Unfortunately for me, my rustiness blasted both of us backwards in opposite directions.

Flying through the air, I land on someone really hard.

"Ow!" A high pitched voice screamed.

I quickly get up.

"Don't you know how to get out of the way?" I say to a guy in a metal suit.

"You know an apology would be nice." He responds annoyed. His voice sounded much younger than the 'Master of the Mystic Arts.'

"I'd rather eat a jar of nails." I deadpan.

He spews some substance from his wrist towards my legs making me fall back.

Chaos In The Cosmos // Infinity War & EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now