on replay

457 21 8

Josephine's pov

We sat in the ship for what must've been hours.

Completely lost on what to do.

My brain was working overtime, thinking about how to get Gamora back.

And Quill playing the same song over and over again non-stop isn't helping.

The voices in my head and the voices on the speakers mesh together becoming a single strain of noise, making it impossible to understand. It sounds like gibberish bouncing off the walls in my head. It's all so loud.


Quill snaps his head back towards the source.

"Turn it back on!"

"NO!" Drax shouts.

Quill gets up and walks over to him.

"Turn it back on." He demands.

"I can't keep listening to the same song...AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!"

"I told you I'm screwed up man. I gotta get back in the groove. Specifically, the New York groove. Give me my Zune."

"No." Drax pulls the music player closer towards himself.

"Give me the Zune!"



"The man who sings this song is a degenerate." Drax says walking away from Quill.

"I will not sit here and allow you to malign Ace Frehley. Give me the Zune!" He screams chasing after Drax.

They end up on opposite sides of the round table, Quill trying to catch Drax while Drax tries to get away. 

"Who gives a shit about the Zune!" I snap.

"Exactly!" Drax yells as he ends up opposite of Quill once again. "Even Jo agrees with me."

"I DON'T CARE GIVE ME ACE FREHLEY!" Quill shouts in a child like manner.


Peter tries chasing him around again and still comes out unsuccessful.

"Ace Frehley has helped me more than you are. We lost Gamora because of you." Quill says.

"We lost Gamora because YOU would not let ME...SEIZE THE MOMENT!" Drax screams back at him.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and frustration.

"What do you care? YOU TRIED TO KILL HER!" Drax continued.


"I'd kill either of you if it would stop that blinking yellow light." Mantis says swaying back and forth mesmerized by the light in front of her.

"Wait what!" I get up and push past the testosterone filled morons. "The coded message channel? How long has this been on?!" I look at Mantis and then back at the messages.

"Aww but it was so beautiful." Mantis says.

"Mantis, the blinking yellow light indicates an important secret coded message. How lo-" Peter explains before Drax mutters.

"Shame on you Mantis." Drax said lowly.

Peter snaps his head towards Drax already fed up with him. "This was your job." He points at him.

"It was his job!" Mantis points too.

"Jesus Christ." I whisper out of frustration.

"Drax, you didn't see the blinking yellow light?" Peter asks.

"I did but you said if it was yellow let it mellow...brown flush it down, those were your orders." Drax explains.

"I wasn't talking about the coded message channel." Quill grinds his teeth. "How many are on there?" He looks at me.

"22." I mutter.

"WHAT?" Quill pushes me out of the way.


Peter looks at the device. "22 important coded secret messages. That could've been helpful. 5 hours, I've been sitting 5 hours and we have 22 messages...23 messages. Oi, they keep coming in." He says.

"Well, what do they say?" I grow impatient.

"From Nebula...Gamora is alive! Thanos is taking her to Titan. Why aren't you responding? Why aren't you responding? Are you getting my important coded secret messages?" Quill reads out loud.

My heart feels lighter now that I know Gamora is still breathing. Knowing that she's okay.

"Shit. Coordinates. Let me get my map...alright." Quill breathes out, walking towards the map. I follow him as he types in Titan and the location appears on the screen.

"Wait. How do we know this isn't a trap?" He looks down at me to his right.

"We don't have a choice." I tell him with a straight face.

He nods and we all sit in our seats as Quill flies the ship out of Knowhere.


We land on Titan, but so far there are no signs of life around.

Looks like we got here before them, so that's an advantage.

We hide behind a large piece of debris just lying around until they show up.

I sit on a rock looking at the sword in my hand.

I can't do this, It's just going to end up like last time...or worse.

"Be ready to use your powers." Drax looks at me.

I look up at them confused.

"But I thought I wasn't allowed t-"

"This is Thanos." He cuts me off. "There are no boundaries with him. He's a monster." He says with disgust laced in his voice.

I look at Quill who gives me a stern nod, saying that he agrees with Drax. Mantis flashes a comforting smile.

I nod and take a deep breath.

Questions barricade my mind like a flood. What if I forgot how to use my powers? What if I do more damage? What if I'm not enough?

I feel a hand on my shoulder, my gaze trails upwards and it's Mantis.

"I know you're scared but I wanted you to know that I believe in you." She smiles.

"How are you so calm?"

"Oh me? I'm terrified, but if I die...at least I'll die with people who liked me for me and not my looks like Drax says."

A smile spreads on my lips at her words and the fond memory.

Mantis always finds a way to make me smile.

"We don't just 'like' you Mantis, we love you." I say standing up.

She smiles.

"You ready to kick some ass and take some names?" I smirk.

"Ooo that sounds very exciting." She says.

"Guys, guys, guys we have incoming." Quill calls to the group.

A ship flies through the atmosphere, into the planet and crash lands.

Here we go...

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