i got your back

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Josephine's pov

"Alright we're gonna split up, cover some ground, see what we find, try and gain any other advantages." Tony lead and we all silently agreed.

"Mr. Clean and Dragonfly can stay together." He pointed to Drax and Mantis and they walked off.

"Pete, go with the girl and see if you guys can find any coverage." Tony told him.

"Nuh uh, I don't think so." Quill shakes his finger, walking up to us.

"What's wrong now?" Tony rolls his eyes.

"She's not going with him." Quill now stands directly in front of Peter. "Look at me, yeah that's right, I know how teenagers think." He sasses. Peter arches a brow uncomfortably before looking over at Tony.

"Quill!" My eyes widen at his insinuations.

"I'm just saying they should have a chaperone." Quill raises his hands in the air.

"We don't have time for this." Strange urges.

"We're going now." I say before grabbing the boy's wrist and dragging him along with me.

"Did you not hear what he said about Footloose?!" Quill yells.

"I've never even seen Footloose!" I yell back, increasing the distance between us and the trio.

"Traitor!" I was barely able to hear Quill's whining.

After a second I let go of his wrist knowing he's fully capable of following along on his own.

Minutes passed and I noticed how he started fidgeting with his hands.

"I'm Spider Parker, P-Peter-man I- I mean...I'm Spider-Man. But you can call me Peter." He breaks the silence with a stumbling introduction.

I playfully smirk at his flustered state.

"I'm Joey." I shrug.

"Your dad's pretty protective over you huh?" Peter says.

"He's not my dad." I laugh, shaking my head.

"Oh?" He looks over at me.

I meet his innocent eyes full of wonder before looking back at the path in front of me. "Nope... but if Quill's the closest thing to having one, then I am grateful for him."

"I get that." He walks by my side.

"Yeah? What's your dad like?" I smile at him.

"Uh dead." He says rather bluntly.

I stop in my tracks and my smile falls. "Oh Peter, I- uh I'm so sorry." I stammer awkwardly.

"Don't worry about it, I was a kid so I don't remember much." Peter waves off.

"Well...Tony seems like good company and I can tell he really cares about you." I say genuinely.

Peter smiles warmly to himself at the thought of having someone he admires so dearly to be fond of him.

"Thanks Joey, so does..." He pauses to think.

"Quill?" I finish for him.

"Exactly." He chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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