Chapter 41 - Do you prefer 'A' or '0'?

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"We don't know where is currently Moon Hajoon," Yong Soon said when we sat down in their 'room'. "But we're suspecting he's lingering around Damyang. I think because of the end of year."

"You're saying it as if he planned to start a war in December," I said suspiciously.

"There is a rumor about legendary lunar eclipse," Natsume said. "From what I know, it's going to take place on 21st December. Though we don't know what's so legendary about it, something big is supposed to happen. At least, Moon is so sure about it."

"Why this date?"

"It can be either superstition about world end from eighteen years ago or that similar eclipse happened also that year. I wouldn't be surprised if it was about number play: 2-1-1-2. Despite brutality and his ideas, Moon is quite superstitious."

"Moon looks for power, no matter of consequences," Soon added. "And the fact that lunar eclipse in 2030 is on day when in 2012 the world was supposed to end, makes him thirsty for something more than blood."

Suddenly Tsubasa ran into the room. "Here you are!" he panted. "I'm looking for you all over the asylum!"

"Rest, Your Highness," Yong Soon said, sweeping me away with his hand.

"You can't go by yourself like that!" Tsubasa began scolding me on our way. "You don't know them! Who knows what –"

"They saved my life!" I interrupted him angered. "Thanks to them I'm alive! It's not a sin to have some conversation with them."

Tsubasa stared at me for a few seconds, then sighed, "Let's go, it's late. You need a good rest to heal."

"Heeeeey! Youuu theeeere!" we suddenly heard and turned around.

Toward us was staggering vampire. At first I didn't recognize him and planned to ignore him but then I saw pirate eye patch and crutch.

"Yan Guanyu?" Tsubasa said surprised.

Guanyu stumbled and pointed his crutch at me, wiggling on his fine leg. I frowned. What was wrong with him? Then I saw possible culprit of his strange behavior. He was holding a bag from blood bank in which was straw. Again I looked at his face. The veteran blinked with effort and hiccupped.

"Can you get drunk with blood?" I whispered to Tsubasa.

"I guess..."

"You there!" Guanyu shouted again, still looking only at me. "Don't talk to your comrades without my permission! Know your manners!"

Now I was sure he drank more than one bag.

Guanyu walked to us and hit my chest with his finger. "You," he said, frowning. "You don't look too good."

"Huh?" I blurted dumbfounded.

He put bag with 'AB' sign to my face. Suddenly I smelled human blood. I covered my nose and mouth quickly.

"Want a slurp?" Guanyu asked and again hiccupped. "It'll do you gooood." He spun around on his axis very elegantly, probably thinking now that he was a ballerina.

"Let him be," Tsubasa said to me. "Drunk vampire can be more dangerous than sober one."

But I saw my chance in it.

"Why won't we use it?" I proposed and went into action before he could stop me.

Veteran was still in his own world, this time conversing politely with the crutch. I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention. He glanced at me and went back to what he was doing.

"I will drink with you," I lied. This interested him. He dropped the crutch and grabbed me by my clothes.

"Which one do you prefer?" he asked in a conspiratorial whisper. "'AB'? 'A'? Or '0'?"

"Eee," was my answer.

"I don't recommend 'B', it's too sour. I bet even mosquitoes don't like it." He giggled at his own joke.

Maybe I made a mistake. I just wanted to get his attention, I didn't expect he would seriously drink with me.

I've never drunk human blood, only animals'. I heard that once you try human one, you can get quickly addicted to it.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, pushing away 'A' blood bag that he offered me.

"Sure!" Guanyu exclaimed joyfully, finishing his blood bag. "What's up?"

"Why do you hate Lee Dohyun so much?"

"Who?" veteran muttered, looking for a refill.

"You know... king Lee. Our king. King of vampires."

"Stupid, useless Lee!" Guanyu grumbled out of a blue, this time trying to get rid of 'B' sign from another blood bag. "He's doing nothing but flirting! Or spying on humans! But what about us? We also deserve his attention! He's brining those filthy no-bloodsuckers so they can destroy us! Bad, bad, bad..." Suddenly tears ran down his cheeks and disappeared in his thick beard.

"So you just wanted his attention?" I summed it up.

"Lee is evil!" Guanyu shouted, stopping crying like on a command. "The evil is inside him... I saw it in his eyes! I can't trust him! No... no..."

"But what did he do?" I asked confused. "Are you talking about leaving the castle and talking to humans?"

"It was nothing! Lee is evil... I just know it! Ah, the queen knows!"

Now I was totally dumbfounded. I wondered if he was talking nonsense when he was drunk. Guanyu was still muttering something but I couldn't understand him anymore. After a while he slid down the wall and fell asleep. I looked defeated at Tsubasa.

"He was out of his mind," Tsubasa said when we put Guanyu in his bed. "Blood can be really addicting, more than alcohol. He can be less trusted in this state than when he's sober."

I nodded, clenching my fist on my bandaged wrist. Even though, something stuck in my mind. Now I had two versions of my dad: evil and kind. But which one is genuine? I didn't know him, I couldn't even remember his face. But it was maybe because I still lacked some memories.

I reached my bed and fell on it, falling asleep with no more thoughts.

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