Chapter 1: Welcome to Azur Lane

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(Somewhere in the middle of the Ocean)

Aegis: Ugh...My head...Ugh, what the hell happened? Wait!... I-I'm human? Well, this is new...but I need to find where I am first.

(When he got to his feet he started to look around his surroundings. After looking around he found nothing but an empty ocean around him.)

Aegis: Okay to break down my situation... I'm human and I'm in the middle of nowhere. Somehow I can stand above the water like I'm stepping on solid ground... And I have no idea where I am.

(After analyzing his situation he decided that he couldn't stay in his location.)

Aegis: Okay first things first... I need to find a location where I can stay for the time being. But in my current condition, it'll take me a lot of time to walk to the nearest island or naval base. Suppose there is even anywhere near me... (*sighs*) Wish I was still a ship.

(After saying that millions of cubes suddenly appeared below him and began to combine. Then as he wished his ship form appeared.)

Aegis: Well, that's convenient.

(He went inside his ship form and walked towards the bridge. He found none of his crew but all of his equipment is undamaged.)

Aegis: I sure hope I can find somebody out there who can explain to me what the hell happened to me or else I'll be screwed... But first, how do I move?

(Right on cue his ship began to move.)

Aegis: Okay so if I will or think what I want my ship to do it executes it. Guess that solves the need for a crew problem. Maybe my weapons and sensors are the same as well... Okay, let's try it. Activate all ship sensors from radar, GPS, and sonar.

(Just as he commanded multiple screens lit up.)

Aegis: Radar and sonar are working, but no G.P.S.? That going to be a problem since that means there are no satellites. Looks like I'll have to depend on a compass and a map. However, if I recall Hawaii was just 30 miles southeast of my location where I was...


The ocean under the cover of thunderclouds was filled noise of the battle. Multiple black and glowing red ships fired against the defending grey-colored ships of a fleet. Railgun fire and missiles slam on the black and red colored vessels setting them ablaze and sinking dozens of ships in an instant. In response, the red and black ships returned fire with their laser cannons and hit 6 ships causing explosions to erupt.

Among them, a single ship firing its guns and missiles in fury is destroying as many ships as it can while protecting the damaged so they can retreat but it too is damaged.

???(1): Status report!

Inside the bridge at the center is a man sitting on the captain's chair demanding a report as the ship is shaken by the impact of being hit.

???(2): We're hit on our starboard side, Rear Admiral Mitchell! Multiple fires inside the ship. Fire teams are working on extinguishing them now. Reports of casualties are being reported throughout the ship.

???(3): Rear Admiral! Multiple distress calls are being received. Survivors in the water from the sunken ships of the fleet are being reported. Aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is hit!

???(4): Rear Admiral! New contacts appearing on the radar!

Just as the Rear Admiral was to reply the ship was rocked by another hit.

Same War, Two Worlds (Modern Warship x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now