disclaimer. (PLEASE READ)

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! NOTE !

- i own neither the characters nor the story. credit is for the original author and publisher.

- chapter 0.1 to 300 were translated by a translating site, in which i coincidentally stumbled to and managed to save before it got taken down, so credit will be given to the original translator.

- i am in no way fluent in korean, so chapter 301 onwards will be machine translated. however, i will try to make sure it's comprehensible for a more comfortable reading.

- english is not my first language either, so there might be some grammar mistakes and spelling. please excuse my mistakes then.

- i am a student in their final year, so updates might be inconsistent. please bear with me.

- if you happened to stumble upon this, please 
do not share this to anyone else, at least not openly, as it will only give me trouble.

-I have no intention of using this story to my own benefit. I am only doing this for my own enjoyment as it's an escape from studying.

- more notes will be updated from time to time.

im sorry for the long notes. please enjoy your reading ^^

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