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Sending Woo Seo-hyuk, who wasn't another attendant, probably meant not to avoid it. I forcefully swallowed the sigh that was in my mouth and told Kim Woo-jin.

"I'll be back, so don't fight. I will come soon."

"I will go too."

"No, it's fine. Wait in the room."

I didn't know what Cheon Sa-yeon would do, so it was better to go alone. Because he could strangle my neck again like last time.

"...got it."

Kim Woo-jin, who had been hesitating, nodded his head without stubbornness. I left Kim Woo-jin and Kwon Jeong-han in the room and followed Woo Seo-hyuk, who was walking ahead.

"Han Yi-gyeol-ssi."


Woo Seo-hyuk, who stopped in front of the elevator, turned to me and opened his mouth.

"How is your body? I heard that you were awake, but I was busy with work, so I couldn't visit you."

Then, I remembered Min Ah-rin's words that Woo Seo-hyuk had come to visit me while I was fainting. I smiled awkwardly and scratched my cheek.

"I'm fine. I was going to contact you even if you didn't, but I couldn't because I didn't know Woo Seo-hyuk-ssi's number. I heard you stopped by the hospital room while I passed out."

"The situation was serious, so I was worried."

Worried? I got on the elevator that arrived and looked into Woo Seo-hyuk's eyes.

"That, you must have been very surprised that I disappeared... I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not something that Han Yi-gyeol-ssi apologizes for."

Woo Seo-hyuk, who looked at me after pressing the button to the top floor, looked blunt as usual, but his voice felt somewhat soft.

"Han Yi-gyeol-ssi is a kidnapped victim. Moreover, the opponent was under mental control, so it's not a matter for Han Yi-gyeol-ssi can do anything about it. However, it looks like we need to be more careful in the future."


I blinked for a moment and then smiled. I wondered where I had heard it.

"A few days ago, Team Leader Park Geon-ho also said that."

"...is that so?"

It was a calm reply, but for a brief moment, I could see his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't seem to like the fact that he said the same thing as Park Geon-ho.

"Is there any special reason why you feel uncomfortable with Team Leader Park Geon-ho?"

I got off the elevator that arrived just in time and asked Woo Seo-hyuk.

It was strange to see Park Geon-ho, who seemed like a crazy person, who had a basically positive mind, and Woo Seo-hyeok, who was always calm, so sensitive only to things related to each other. Watching it from the side, I was curious.

"There is no particular reason. From the moment I first met Team Leader Park Geon-ho until now, I have never been comfortable with him."

That was a neat explanation. Actually, even if there were no major incidents, there were people who didn't fit well enough that it was hard to feel good about each other. Even Park Geon-ho and Woo Seo-hyuk were both undefeatable, so it might have been an instant that their relationship deteriorated.

"More than that, Han Yi-gyeol-ssi."


Woo Seo-hyuk, who gestured to the attendants standing in front of the representative room, looked at me and said.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now