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I felt the coolness of the wine bottle in my hand.

In case my sweaty palms might miss the wine bottle, I held it tightly and licked my dry lips. Late at night, an unfamiliar shadow fluttered in the dimly lit house with only a few lights left.

After hesitating for a while, I carefully knocked on the study door.

"Come in."

Permission was immediately granted. As I gently opened the study door, I saw a red carpet, a tea table, and a sofa in turn. The person standing in front of the bookshelf and reading the book raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Why did you come here this time?"


"What are you hiding behind?"

Hesitating at the playful voice, I pulled out the wine bottle and two wine glasses I had been carrying in front of him. Tak, he closed the open book and put the book on the bookshelf.

"It was surprising that you came here, but you even brought alcohol..."

His platinum blonde hair shone like a jewel in the soft light of a lamp. He walked slowly across the study to me and took the wine bottle from my hand.

"Right. It's better than coming without anything."

"...if you are okay with it."

"Of course, I'm okay. No one else, it's you who asked to have a drink first, is there any reason to refuse?"

Naturally, he grabbed my waist and led me to the sofa. He easily opened the screw cap-type stopper and poured the wine into the glass with a skillful and elegant gesture.

"What is it?"

He smiled at me as I stood still and looked at the wine glass gradually being filled.

"Sit down."

Funny enough, the thought of wanting to run away suddenly came up. Now there was no turning back. After hesitating for a while, I slowly bent my knees and sat down on the sofa. The suit I was wearing today felt like a snake wrapped around my body.

"Well, then..."

After pouring wine into two wine glasses, he sat across and leisurely crossed his legs. A chill was felt in the silver-grey eyes visible under the long eyelashes.

"You seem to have something to tell me."


I rubbed my cold palms on my thighs in a cold sweat, thinking about how to get out of luck. As silence fell in the study, he was the first to open his mouth as he turned the wine glass around with a relaxed face.

"If you don't have, get out."


He was a man who didn't have much patience by nature. I quickly raised my head and said.

"Director. Today I..."


"Seok-jae was injured and I was told he wasn't receiving treatment." (Seok-jae was mentioned at chap 98)

"Maybe. Because that's what I ordered."

I bit my lip at the answer that came out without hesitation.

"The reason... may I ask?"

"The reason."

A long finger with a prominent bone tapped the wine glass. Tiing, with a clear sound, the wine in the glass shook finely.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now