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"Ung? What?"

A woman with a youthful voice, different from her mature appearance, tilted her head slightly to the side.

"I didn't know there would be so many guests."

Even standing alone without any weapon, there was a strange atmosphere around the woman that couldn't be easily approached. Hong Si-ah, who was looking at the woman with her eyes narrowed, said in her sharp voice.

"That... are you a doll? No way."

Was it the new doll of the puppeteer she encountered at the gate of the G5 Area? When Hong Si-ah frowned in an incomprehensible situation, the doll, which turned to Hong Si-ah just in time, said as if it was funny.

"You're the woman who broke my doll, right? If not, I wanted to kill her. Good."


Hong Si-ah laughed at the confident attitude. Cheon Sa-yeon, who was watching the two with a sad face, called Kim Woo-jin.

"Kim Woo-jin."


"I'll hold its attention properly, so take a look and go through the door. Han Yi-gyeol will be somewhere not far away."

"I understand."

"The dolls are S+, so they take care of themselves."

"Oh, my."

Hearing this, the woman covered its mouth with a voice of shock.

"The same as back then... You really know everything."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Then do you know the name of this child?"

In response to that question, Cheon Sa-yeon opened his eyes to look back on the distant past for a brief moment. Slowly raising the corners of his lips, he smiled softly and answered immediately.


As if the doll, Karen, answered the call, its shiny eyes sparkled.

"You really know! Amazing."


"It's also incredibly cool. Still, the plan to sneak in like a rat must be kept secret. Then it's hard for me to deal with it properly, isn't it?"

Karen, who had moved its chin and spoke like a human, raised its hand and tapped its green eyes, and white smoke began to leak out. The smoke, drawn from its eyeballs along its fingertips, turned into a hard object in an instant.


Hong Si-ah hated the shocking scene and Kim Woo-jin took a step backwards without realizing it. Only Cheon Sa-yeon didn't avert his gaze with a bored expression.

The smoke from Karen's eyes became a huge sickle shining all-over silver. It swung its scythe, which looked heavy just by looking at it, lightly in the air with one of its hands.


Then a red powder was formed and scattered in the air. Cheon Sa-yeon burned the dust flying nearby.

"I don't think it's the doll's ability. Is it that weapon ability?"

Hong Si-ah covered her mouth and slammed the floor with her whip. Rumbling! The scattered cold air froze the powder that had spread around.

"Are you going to send him away? I'll assist you. Let's finish it quickly."

At what Hong Si-ah said, pointing at Kim Woo-jin with a wink, Cheon Sa-yeon nodded his head, sprinted on the ground and shot forward. Hot blood flowed like lava along with bright red flames on his swaying sword.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now