chapter 3 'hello again'

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(A/n : well hope yall been enjoying this story so far and no I'm not done with the story (not yet) I'm still working on it but still anyway enjoy this chapter)
Poland pov
"Y/n ?!" I heard a voice say and woke up and saw the kid sleeping on my lap 'oh is that the kid's name no wait don't assume the doctors might be here I should get moving' I thought as I got up and I was holding the kid in my arms and they were still holding onto the dove plush adorable now I guess it's time to escape.

I started to run and then I saw a teenager she was shocked to see me but I didn't care, she wasn't my problem and I kept running, avoiding every doctor as possible and I was close to the exit I then saw Dr. L/n infront of the exit doors "ms. l/n?!" I said I then felt a LOT of shocks and burns going through my body I then collapsed and dropped the kid.

I tried to reach out to the kid "c-child..." I said before blacking out.
M/n pov
"C-child..." I heard poland say before passing out and I was then holding my child "y/n baby! Please wake up!" I said, tears were swelling on my face while trying to shake y/n awake then they opened their eyes " is that you?" They asked

"Yes baby it's me, I'm here don't worry" I said then I hugged y/n very close "mom what happened?" They asked I the let go and looked at them "could you tell us what happened when you were with that man? Why was he with you?" I then saw Thomas asking that question.

I looked at y/n and they sighed "okay I'll tell you" they said and I saw poland getting taken back to his room by security.
No one's pov
As you told them what happened they were shocked you can even see it in their faces and you were confused why,

And they explained to you that the man you were with was a countryhuman, a driven to insanity country, POLAND.

And then you saw your sister navara and you are pissed at her "oh thanks the heavens you are o-" before she could finish you slapped her "Sis why?" Navara asked "why? WHY?! Sister you know why you literally locked me in the scary burnt part of the asylum and then that man came in! I could've died by him because of you!" You shouted at them,

Your mother and Thomas looked at you very shocked "hey don't look at me like that, I have a right to be upset!" You shouted and you were gripping on your stuffed dove and then you walked back to the breakroom "and don't bother to talk to me for the rest of the day unless it is inportant" you said before entering and closing the door.
Thomas pov
Damn, I did not expect that to happen, nit from the kid at least "damn navara, you really messed up, big time" I said then looked at m/n she was very upset "can we talk alone m/n?" I asked and she nodded and then we both left to speak in private

"so what is it you wanna talk about?" She asked "how long has this been happening for?" "Ever since y/n was born into this world" "I could see why, listen if you need a break I could hold up until you're ready to come back but not for very long sin-" "no its fine Tom but, I'm concerned about y/n, they have never acted like this, I guess they snapped" "I mean they did get tortured by their own older sister, their own hero, their own role model that's very.... upseting" "I hope Navara changes before it's too late"

I then looked at the door "we're needed Thomas" m/n said "okay" I Said as we left the room
Navara pov
I heard what mom's friend said, what have I done, no I shouldn't feel guilty I should be fine but... oh y/n I'm so sorry, I then was about to leave the room I then saw mom looking very numb "hey thomas" "Yes m/n?" "Can I take my kids home first?" "Sure m/n" I was then grabbed by the hand and then was taken to the car along with y/n following.

We got into the car and went home and mom put me in charge on watching the house until she comes back I then turned to look at my sibling but they went to their room and shut the door "ooohhhh what have I done..." I muttered to myself and was left staring at my phone, scrolling through social media.
No one's pov
As Sunday came by the siblings were much silent with each other and the mother noticed, "hey kids, Bambi is on wanna watch?" M/n asked and you and your sister agreed.

There you are, in the kitchen getting snacks, making nachos and you then heard the phone going off "mom someone is calling" you said "coming!" You heard your mother say as you walked out with the snacks in hand.

M/n picked up the phone, "hello?" "Good day miss l/n, we have a favor to ask and you might not like it" "what is the favor?" "Can you bring your youngest child y/n to work today ? We found a change in poland's behavior and he was asking for your child or just basically having a tantrum about not seeing th-" "NO" "sorry?" "NO I'm not bringing my children into danger like that again, learned my mistake yesterday" m/n then hanged up and went back to the living room to watch Bambi with her kids.
The show ended and m/n left to her room, same with y/n to their room as navara stayed in the living room and then the phone rang again.

Navara went to the phone and picked up "who is this?" "Hello mam we are calling the residents of l/n correct?" "Yes you are, yes I'm a resident" "okay well if you and y/n are not busy, can you bring them to thus location?" "Sure, send the location"

After the location has been sent navara gotten y/n to come with her somehow and as they walked navara decided to open the can of worms, might regret it,

"Hey y/n?" "What" "listen, I don't know if you can forgive me but....I'm sorry for what I did yesterday, I really am" after a while of walking you ended up speaking up.

"I appreciate the apology however, it'll take some time for me to trust you again sister" you said, feeling very glad the navara apologized and she meant it things were fine until you recognized the roads....
You were going back to the asylum !

"Sister why are we back here?!" You said and then you were picked up by a doctor and was carried in while your sister was being held down and was knocked unconscious "sister help me!!!!" You shouted.
Y/n pov
'Uugghh my head- I thought as I was on the ground and I got up and realized, I wasn't at home, I'm back at the asylum and I then looked up and saw alot of scientists and... America? What is going on?

I then looked around and saw poland "uh...hi poland?" I said very nervous poland looked at me and waved at me before picking up a paper and it says 'hello again y/n'
M/n pov
I was resting in my room, thinking maybe that y/n might forgave navara and yes navara told me before leaving that she and y/n are going out for a walk.

I then heard the door slammed opened, I got up and left my room to see navara but beaten up "navara what happen?!" I said as  I ran to navara and checked to see anymore injuries "mom now is not the time ! Y/n is in danger!" "THEY'RE IN WHAT?!" I shouted, super pissed.

I finished tending to my daughter's injuries and told her to stay at home "don't worry y/n, I'm coming to get you" I said as I left to my car and drove off to my workplace

• m/n was told what happened to y/n thanks to navara

• america is there at the asylum because he was informed about the change in poland he didn't believe at first so thats why he is there

• poland greeted y/n with a written piece of paper because poland couldn't talk

• poland learned about y/n's name because of Thomas when asking about y/n constantly
Word count 1492

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