chapter 9 'please hurry'

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(A/n : doing this and having no reason on making this? Yes, if poland even managed to survive Going through that twice in life I'm pretty sure that they'll be driven to insanity if they hadn't gotten any mental help and only physical help as well)
No one's pov
It's been a few hours and y/n have been stuck in the cold dark room and being alone in the room with only their dove plush doesn't really help, as y/n was passed out from the cold the German empire came in to check on y/n.
German empire pov
I came into the room....and the kid is asleep, they must've passed out from the cold and was holding onto the plush...and when I tried to move the dove plush away they kept hugging it close and not letting go.

That plush might mean something to that kid and I saw a tag and it read "to my special birthday child -dad" it was a bit burned and then a newspaper flew and it read " f/n l/n died in a terrible car crash and only his child y/n l/n survived and it was their birthday" "birthday in flames!" Oh...

They lost their father and the plush is the last thing from him before dying....
Is this really worth it? We're putting a child through this and they're not even Jewish but they were with polen....but they weren't with him by choice I heard, *sighs*
"Dad..why are you holding the child?" Son asked as I was trying to sneak them into the guest room. "The kid passed out, trying to keep the kid alive..." I said trying to keep him from being suspicious.

"Okay...let me know when they wake up" he said before walking away, 'phew!' I thought as I brought the kid to the guest room.

I got to the room and placed them down onto the bed and waited for them to wake up.
Y/n pov
I woke up to see the empire and....he was just staring? "..." damn the fact I'm terrified right now.

"Guten tag y/n..." he said and I sat up and was wondering what is happening right now...

"You must be confused, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded and then I kept holding my dove plush, I keep bringing it around "that was the last thing you had of your own vater before he died..." he said and I then hugged it tighter.

Then he got up, "don't worry, I won't take it from you" he said and I was starting to calm down and then he want to ask me some questions....

I guess I could answer some of them
M/n pov
I have been in the hospital for only a few hours and I am worried, the two Germans might have found y/n and might hurt them or worse kill them.

And I was crying my eyes out doesn't help at all and I'm only recovering in the hospital room along with my daughter and I only feel miserable because.... y/n's birthday was today and we didn't get to celebrate with them....

*sniffs* y/n....I'm sorry, I know how much it means to you about celebrating your birthday with us, it's not fair.
As the German empire asked y/n some questions the German empire noticed that y/n seems to not really want to socialize and seems sad
German empire pov
Dad senses are tingling and....the kid is sad I should ask, "y/n...are you doing okay? You seem sad" and the kid looked at me and still hugged their dove plush and they were silent until they said "I want to go home....I want to see my family and friend only friend." Oh, poland is their only friends huh?

Then I felt a plush in my hand and picked it up to see a stuffed snake, I know what to do I could make the kid feel better.

"Oh! It's a snake!" I said bringing the toy snake up and keep poking it on me "ahh! It's trying to eat me! Ahhh!" I shouted then laying down as I keep making it look like the snake is eating me and the kid is laughing.

Mission accomplished and I got up and asked to play with them and they said yes and we played with the toys.

It was fun until my son came in 'oh schieb'
I thought
Poland pov (yes he's alive)
I woke up in a hospital and as I tried to stand up, i looked to see my right wrist cuffed onto the bed, dammit.

As I was looking at the handcuff and then someone came in, germany and america, the two least people I want to see right now.

"What do you want now, dupki?" I said very pissed at them, "we need to ask you some questions according to the kid that was with you" germany said as he sat on the chair near me same with america. "I gonna need a reason why I should tell you anything?" "We'll be able to return them to their fam-" "NO! You will not to this, they need me! They don't need those...skurwysyny!" "Poland...I know how much y/n means to you, but you can't keep them away from their sister and's not fair to keep them away from their loved ones, we're trying to help y/n and you...".

Those idiots think that they can fix something that can never be fixed....

Do they think that I'll forgive them for all they had done to me?! America was the one who put me in that asylum...and germany........

*handcuff chain breaks*
I....finally escaped that hell.....I need to find y/n..... I heard that they have that brat's phone, I also heard that it will be able to help find them....
Don't worry y/n....I'm coming to get you
Third reich pov
I just walked in to see vater playing with the child, "vater....are you playing with this kid right now?" As I said that he immediately stand up and looked at me "no I was just keeping myself entertained while, watching the child" he said, okay I guess but that's not what I'm here for.

"Here child, get ready and wait until we come to get you" ich said and threw clothes at the kid and grabbed vater and walked out the room.
Y/n pov
The red man threw the clothes at me, rude! But it doesn't matter, I git up and got dressed and waited for a bit for them to come and get me....
A few hours later
They are taking a long time..guess I'll play with the toys and I remember the empire giving me the snake toy before leaving, I'll play for now.

"RAWRR!!" I said as I was playing and them I looked to notice a mirror and went up to it but.....I don't see my reflection....

It's someone else....
It was a man, he looks like dad....but it's not him, he had a flag for a face, it was black,yellow, and white. He had bit his finger and wrote something onto the mirror. .

It read "I'm going to come for you y/n" then the man disappeared and then I saw my reflection, what just happened?

I was thinking about what he write on the mirror until the German empire came in and motioned me to follow him and I did
You found a character that will be mentioned in future chapters and will soon be unlocked!
Word count 1312

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