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In a world once whole, dreams took flight,
But COVID-19 came, with darkened might,
University dreams now left behind,
A different path, fate did bind.

Amidst the chaos, you found your way,
Learning lessons day by day,
The universe, it seems, unfair,
Yet strength and growth you still declare.

In college's third year, it came clear,
Becoming who you want, the fear,
Surviving the process, a noble fight,
To shape the person, strong and bright.

Disheartened by others' lofty dreams,
While life's challenges burst at the seams,
Remember, life's not all one's desires,
Letting go can quench the fires.

Beyond the pandemic's shadowed haze,
A journey faced, in endless maze,
Adults striving, their best to find,
The version of themselves, aligned.

So hold onto hope, and press ahead,
Through trials faced, and tears shed,
For the journey, though it may be tough,
Unfolds a tale, beautiful and rough.

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