devil's love 1

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Yn: appa please take care of yourself and eat more I will be back from clg hm

Y/d: okay sweetie take care okay

Yn: I love you dad

Y/d: love you more sweetie

I kiss my dad head and head out to clg by bus I took the rush bus because I am running late all people push me in and they were hitting me and the bus driver driving fast and I stand beside a man he covered his face with mask and all his clothes are black I try not fall on him because he was sleeping I saw his face like eyes there were art of heaven damn so beautiful wait yn what are thinking

Then the driver hit a hard break everyone behind me fall on me I accidentally sit on his lap and hit my head on the window then I hiss on pain
He open his eyes and saw me wow what a eye they are like angels then I came to my sense he staring at me I apologize and got up and came out I saw he still staring at me I bow in sorry then I run off to clg and I saw my best friend jimin I run to him he hug me

Jimin: hey come it's already late

Yn: yes let's go

We went to class and saw the teacher is not here yet we went to our seats and I put my head down on my table and give a big sigh

Jimin : what happened
Yn: something happened in bus
Jimin: I told you millions time that i will pick u up
Yn: it's okay jimin I am okay
Jimin: are you free today
Yn: no jimin I need to do work
Jimin: Oh okay but how is your dad now is he okay
Yn: yeah his health is much better now

He smile and the teacher enter and taking classes I am hard work person
I love to study and do all works I love all works then I saw jimin he is sleeping like a baby hmm so cute instead we can say I like him yes he is my best friend but I secretly I love him but I I didn't show to him because I am so afraid to tell but he is rich I am poor then suddenly he opened his eyes and smile I smile too him he wake up and stretch his arms I look at the class I try not blush

Lunch time

Jimin: yn what do u want
Yn: no thanks I am fine jimin
Jimin: yah don't be like that I know u are hungry I will buy you something
Yn: but wait
Jimin: I will buy it for u

He ran Like a child I smile and waiting for him then I feel wet on my head I turn around and see it's Mike the bully he used to bully me everytime

Mike: what u looking at bitch
Yn: why would u do that
Mike : dare to talk back huh
Yn: yes I will what will u do


I felt a slap on my cheek he laugh and push me down jimin ran to me and punch Mike and started to fight I held him back he is too strong then the principal came and called to his office

Principal: what the hell u did there
Mike: sir I didn't do anything it's all jimin fault
Yn: liar sir he pour all the water on my head see I am wet now and he slap me and jimin try to help me that's all sir
Principal: is that true jimin
Jimin: yes sir
Principle: Mike you are suspended for one week now get out and go home

We came out and I saw Mike he glance at me and jimin bid goodbye and he went home I went to Starbuck wher I work as part time job I went and saw Lucy she smile and went home because her swift over and it's mine now

I place every order and clean all the table and I saw a one particular man he staring at me I try not to panic it's not new for me I went to him

Yn: sir you need something
?: one Boba
Yn: right away sir

I bow and get his order and went to him he stood and take the Boba and pay for the order and he sit quietly then I did all the kitchen cleaning work and sat in the chair with tiredness and sigh and look around it's 10 already I see the man he leave the shop and I close the shop and walking in streets to my home then stop

Because I need to cross the creepy alleys that the easy way to my home I am so scared But then I courage myself and walking not dare to look front then someone pulled mu hair and push me in the wall I look him the moon light it's Mike

Yn: yah Mike leave me What are u doing
Mike: shutt up because of you I am suspended bitch
Yn: it's because u bully me
Mike : now I am going to enjoy u so u will be mine right
Yn: wait stop please no * cry*
Mike : cry as much u want then I will have u
Yn: stop u monster * push him*

I push him and ran but he held me and slap me thrice I fell down he make me stand and face me against the wall I tho I am going to die this is my end I didn't see anything enough in this world but why me why always me I want to be peace and happy why god why then suddenly he groan in pain I trun around and see the same man from shop he hit him and he push on the ground sat top if him he punch him merciless I Try to stop but he deserve that then Mike ran away

Then he saw me I am crying and shivering he came to me his gave his jacket And wipe my tears he pat my head then I started to walking he follow because make sure I am safe wow what man I am glad that these type of people still exists in this world

Then I came to my apartment and came to my house and saw my dad he sleeping damn good if he sees me Like this he will suffer more than me ah what a bad day but I am used to it still it's hurt ah I wanna take shower I am so smelly

I came to my room and I saw something unfamiliar I open the screen and saw that man he still there that creep me little then I gave him a signal that I am good he nod and went away but wait I still have his jacket maybe I can give him when I saw him maybe tomorrow in bus if I am sure he will come okay let's sleep
I wish I could be happy if mom still alive
Mom I miss you so much

Someone pov

? : did u got him
?: yes sir we did what should we do
?: I will come there
?: yes sir
?: hmm I will do anything for her damn I miss her soft hands uh wait what was that ahhhh yes yn Lin yn u will be mine


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