devil love 7

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Yn pov

Wow look like the rain has stopped hmm
I need to take a shower and eat something nice, called my dad but he never picked it I am getting scared
Then I got a unknown number I hesitated at first but then I attend the phone

Yn: hello
Y/d : sweetie
Yn: dad where are you uh why did u called from this number
Y/d : sweetie look I am.going so long okay
Yn: for work huh
Y/d : ummmm let's say like that okay just take care of yourself and be warm I always love you
Yn: you are so weird dad okay be home soon

He cut the call and I went to my room I got call from My jimineeee I smile and pick it up

Jimin: yn you heard the new huh
Yn: what it is I didn't heard
Jimin: our principal passed away
Yn: what ? How
Jimin: my friend told me that yesterday principal got heart attack they took him to hospital and they said he was fine but this morning they saw him in blood rush
Yn: omg I am scared
Jimin: Don worry I am here baby
Yn: yeah whatever I knew but wha about our graduation and college
Jimin : idk if there is some news I will tell okay I gotta go now okay
Yn: bye love
Jimin: bye darling

Then I cut the call and remember about jk shit I completely forgot about him
I went to my dad and saw a little letter
He wrote : um I had a uncompleted work so I need to rush back I will give your dad clothes later and thanks for the warm night I love to talk with you bye yn♡

I smile and kept the letter with me and he add a small heart I like these type of things then I got a call from Lucy

Lucy: yn what you doing now
Yn: I am just chilling
Lucy: okay but I wanna ask you something
Yn: yes ask
Lucy: when did you born
Yn: uh it's Dec 2
Lucy,: okay
Yn: why did u ask
Lucy: ntg I wanna ask you this nowhere
Okay Byeeee

She cut the call I just got jerk off and idk why did she ask this and this July month
Ah everything is weird around me
Between I miss jk I wish I could talk because jimin is busy with his sister work I am not complaining it but I am so lonely even my dad is not around

Then a notification pop in my phone I open and saw a article about devil oh I know he is mafia in world wide I heard he is 3 year older than me and funny thing is he is handsome and dazzling
I laugh and he even had communication with all states and country wow.

He also a kill bad guy and do some good things for poor people hm that's good thing I believe he is not that bad guy I hope so , I miss jk ah where did.he go now

Thud thud*

Oh shit what was that I think it's coming from window wait I think ....... yes it's jk
I saw him standing down with sometime in his hands I smile and ran down
And hug him he caught me I smile to him , he gave me a eye smile

Jk: miss me that much
Yn: yes because I am lonely
Jk: why
Yn: yes my Principle is dead and my bf is busy with his schedule and my dad isout of town and you are the only person I can rely now
Jk: wow slow down
Yn: heh sorry
Jk: okay ..... now what you want to do now
Yn: want to watch movie and chill at home
Jk: okay wait a second

He ran across the street I wait for him he came with a bag of snacks I open my mouth hung open and he pull me to my house and he connect his phone to my TV and he lock me in my room I sit and wait for him after few mens he open
I gasp and saw my hall was decorated and it's beautiful and nice

He ran across the street I wait for him he came with a bag of snacks I open my  mouth hung open and he pull me to my house and he connect his phone to my TV and he lock me in my room I sit and wait for him after few mens he open I gasp and saw my ...

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(Author: imagine it as hall okay)

Jk: do u like it
Yn: omg I love it Thank you so much
Jk: I am glad
Yn: so what are we gonna watch now.
Jk: your wish my princess
Yn: what ? Princess
Jk: yes
Yn: okay ;)
Jk: tell me princess
Yn: a horror movie where I can see a psychopath kill a girl and blood should spill and it should be horrifying okay

He look at me aw and he doesn't speak still staring at me I wave my hand and shake him he came back to me

Yn: earth to jk
Jk: juste parfait pour moi mon amour
​yn: what
Jk: nothing you are
Yn: weird right, yes I knew I sound weird but-
Jk: you didn't princess
Yn: what I mean ummm
Jk: I don't take it as weird I like it
Yn: wow thanks

He smile and pat my head and he chose a movie for me I put a blanket and started to see movie with a big smile

Jk pov

I was stunned at first and she smile and I spoke to her in French she blankly look at me I came to sense and told ntg and she said she was weird I told she is perfect and she smile and watching the movie like a kid then I started to watch the movie and she kinda scared and she close her eyes I smile she look so cute my god .

Then they show a scary psychopath she jumped and landed in my lap and hug me tightly I panic and don't know what to do Then she cried I pulled her back
And saw her red nose and her mascara was mixed with he tears I try not to laugh

Jk: yah why are you crying
Yn: t-that asshole came nowhere I am scared*sobs* I am -- really scared
Jk: aw princess why are crying i will kill him
Yn: I don't wanna watch but also I wanna watch
Jk: you are confusing me
Yn: whatever let's watch

She still in my lap and hug me and watching the movie between she is light a feather she has no weight when ever she scared she hide her face in neck I feel so happy to be her then her phone rang I picked up and saw the id it's boyfriend I got angry and cut the call I got up and put her down she look at me

Yn: where are you going jk
Jk: I need to go home bye
Yn: please don't go
Jk: why don't you call your bf
Yn: I Don't want him I Need you now .......

Jk: you need what ............

Devil hunt will continue....

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