devil's love 3

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Morning time

Y/d: yn baby wake up da you need to go clg right
Yn: hmm Okay dad I will
Y/d : baby I going put of twon for work darling
Yn: what dad
Y/d: it's very urgent even though I asked them for medical leave but they refused so I have to go
Yn: okay dad be safe love you
Y/d : love you too daughter I have kept some money use it carefully
Yn: okay dad but how many days
Y/d: hm one month
Yn: one month ? Seriously dad
Y/d: sweetie I have taken leave for two months so that's why even we need money for rent and for your clg expensive
Yn: okay be careful hm bye

He went out I went out side and saw him leaving he smile at me but I am scared because it's the first time I am alone because after mom death He never leave alone he always be with me but now it's hard to see him go but it's all for my sake
I wish mom would still alive okay let's wrap things and get ready for clg

I took a good shower and took a nice outfit and took my bag and grab a sandwich went to bus stop and wait for bus then I saw the time I came little early for that bus hm I like today weather because good clean air and I smell the flowers around what a peaceful day wait oh the bus came I hope jk will be there

Then I went inside the bus I saw no people only me and some black guy what happened to others whatever
I went and sit near window and that guy looking at me it's creep me bit when will I get out that fucking driver ah he making me angry Then I saw jk coming I smile and call him he came and sit next to me

Yn: hey hi
Jk: yeah hi
Yn: so where off to hmm
Jk: umm to see my friends
Yn: Oh okay what to do for living
Jk: sorry Don't ask about it
Yn: okay sorry it's okay
Jk: ah where are you going
Yn: to clg I am getting bored every day for going clg
Jk: why ,you don't like clg
Yn: it's not like , I want a leave so I can be happy and peaceful for one day and enjoy for a day and espace from my work
Jk: hmm Okay I hope you can get a one day leave
Yn: thanks oh my stop is here bye jk
Jk: bye see you soon
Yn : yeah okay bye

I got off bus and I wave him a bye He wave bye to me then I went to my clg and I see jimin took leave today omg what will I do now I am alone okay let's go to class and saw first period is maths
Oh shit I hate maths that professor will point me and ask questions but jimin will Save me now who is gonna save let's go and see

Then went to class and sat on my place then I saw a girl came and sit with me
She smile I smile idk who is she but I bet she is my class because Mike used to bully her before me one time I save her frome him but idk her name then she talk to me

Eve: hi yn I am Evelyn call me eve
Yn: hi eve I know you
Eve: I want to be friends with you for long time but now I got my chance
Yn: why not we can be friends I love to
Eve: thanks but you know that Mike is dead
Yn: yeah I know between one day I save you from him right
Eve: yes and thanks but he is so bad to me he was about to rape but I hit him and ran now he is no more
Yn: yeah thank god but now you have me okay
Eve: thanks I will always be with you

She hug me and class started and we both talked and laugh in class but that prof was didn't notice me that make me strange then we attend two classes and suddenly we heard a announcement from principal

Principal: hello my dear students I wanna share a news that I will give two week holiday for everyone and enjoy weekend with your loved ones that's it and now you can go home students
Thank you ...


Not me everyone was happy and took their bag and went home eve went on her car I took bus and came home I flop myself and scream because I can't believe i got leave and now I can go to work peacefully without hurrying and rush from clg so I can sleep I am so tired
Ah so sleepy now hmmmm

After few hours

*buzz buzz buzz*

Yn: holy shit what was that sound omg I am alone now what should I do

I heard where was that sound is coming I saw it's my phone it was in kitchen ah I got scared for second hm oh it's jimin he said he has fever and didn't come to clg and he will be out of town for a bit with his sister omg why is everyone is leaving Me and I am alone Then I went outside to see if jk come or not I saw why it's so dark outside oh it's 10 pm now I slept all long hm why is he is not here

Jk: eagerly want to see me huh
Yn: Oh shit ah jk what are doing in my house how did u get here
Jk: wow so many questions first sorry for coming in and I want to see you so I can spend some time with you right that why I came over
Yn: okay wait why is you neck is bleeding
Jk: Oh I fell on the street while I was talking on phone
Yn: come let me treat look like so many blood gone for bad
Jk:no it's okay
Yn: no first sit down
Jk: I said no means no that's it
Yn: yah how dare you now sit down or I will eat you

He sit down with staring me I got the kit and clean his wound and his cut gone so deep I got sad because it will pain a lot
So I need to clean but his hoodie is blocking then he remove his hoodie I gasp because his tattoo in his arms and he his built muscles damn then he keeping staring me with smirk then I came back to sense and treat his wound he smile and put his hoodie and I try not blush but ahh

Jk: so can we go out for second
Yn: uh y-yeah sure
Jk: come let's go

He smile and went out I took my coat and went out we sat in the bench on the road he didn't talk nor me because it's so awkward then he decided to break the silence

Jk: how was your day today
Yn: Oh my day uh ... Oh yes we got holiday for two week and I got a new friend eve she is so cute she also bully buy Mike one I save her and now she is my friend and I came home early and sleep all day
Jk: I know that * whisper*
Yn: uh what
Jk: Oh nothing
Yn: okay Then I am so happy but my one friend is on leave I miss that one
Jk: Oh i see but I love to talk with you
Yn: me too jk but why are you wearing make all time
Jk: I am having cold that's why
Yn: Oh okay but now okay right
Jk: what ,what did u say
Yn: are u alright now because you have cold right
Jk: yeah I am good * stare*

Then we kept the silence all the way then I look at him he was thinking something so I keep looking at him then he look me I turn away but

Jk: I like you yn
Yn: what .....


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