devil love 22

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After the hot session they both landed on
America . Yn saw there is a bunch of black dressed came and bow to jk .
He nod his head and pull me to him and got on the car .

Yn saw the America for the first time and she was happy and giggling . Jk saw and smile at her and pulled her into kiss. She blushed and hit his arm.

They reached the hotel where they are going to saty . Yn and jk came out and saw it was such beautiful hotel .then
Jk and yn to the room and suddenly a white girl came inside .

Girl: excuse sir , our manager told to us to take special care for you.
Jk: Oh okay thank you .
Girl: my name is Annie . Call me whenever you need * flirting look "
Jk: okay now get out and don't distrub us.
Girl: Oh, may I know who is this person cause our manager told that you are only coming.
Yn: I am his wife
Jk: * amazed*
Girl: okay . Now I take my leave .

She went out and jk started to laugh.
She pout in angry and kissed him.
He gladly kissed her and watch her soft cute baby face .

Jk: what with you face .
Yn: that bitch.
Jk: what? Bitch.
Yn: yes . Look at her eyes she trying to flirt with you .
Jk: yeah . Leave it baby and one thing

He pin her against the wall and fill the gap between them and whisper

Jk: don't you dare to curse in front Me I don't like it * lick her earlobe"

She glup in nervous and nod her head and he back off and kiss her head and went into bathroom for shower .

Yn just want to get air because what he did was get her so hot . She smile and think how she fall for someone who can make her hot and nervous at the same time .

He came out and saw yn is sleeping due to the travelling and she must be tired of
That hot session . He sat beside her and kiss her head and tuck her in sheets .
He got call from yoongi .

Yoongi: are you guys arrived
Jk: yes we are hyung .how is your health.
Yoongi: yes fine . How is yn .
Jk: she is sleeping .
Yoongi: okay . Be safe because we got information from headquarters that the guy who try to kill yn is now wandering in America.
Jk: don't worry hyng I will protect here .
Yoongi: okay bye .

He hummed in response and git dressed and went out and look around the hotel
To see is anything suspicious or something. But he can't find anything .he called his bodyguards .

Jk: everyone guard this place and make sure you look after my yn .
Guards: okay sir

He nod in response and went inside and see she still sleeping . He lay beside her and pulled her to his arms and drifted into sleep .

After few hours later .

Yn pov .

Damn that was a good sleep and hmmm wait something is beside me . What . Who is this . Oh is it jungkook . Hmm big
Boobs and so hard . Damn I like it .
Wow . Wait I am drooling over him .
Ah I am so hungry .

Yn: jungkook * whine*
Jk: what it is doll.
Yn: I am hungry.
Jk: look there food next to you
Yn: aish you pervert.
Jk: okay let me order the food for you doll.
Yn: Oh okay .

He call Annie to bring food over the phone. The next second she bring over the food .I look she dress so slutty.
I glance at her with my fire eyes.

She came and took the flip table and put between us and place the food. Damn that look delicious. She look at Annie
She suddenly bed over and show her boobs .that's it.

Yn: what are you trying to do.
Annie: excuse me .
Yn: excuse me? * scoff* are you trying to seduce my husband.
Annie: Oh no.
Yn: don't lie.
Annie: sir look at your wife * teary eyes*

He didn't say but eating the food and smiling at me .I try not to laugh .but she put her hand on him.

I got up and pull her hair and slap her.jk widen his eyes and pull me in one go.
Then that bitch ran away. He laugh like a buffalo.

Yn: what are you laughing.  She try to seduce you .
Jk: I know. But seeing you jealous over me is so cute.
Yn: what, go away I hate you

I turn around but he spin me and pin me In bed and kiss my neck. I glup due to nervous.

Jk: ah why I am so addictive to you .seeing you smile , the look you gave me and the way you been jealous.  It's making me go crazy for you. Doll.

He said while kissing my neck and smell my perfume .

Yn: a-alright leave me I wanna go out .
Jk: where you wanna escape .
Yn: um.......
Jk: words princess.
Yn: I wanna get fresh air .
Jk: no .I want second round darling.
Yn: what! No
Jk: please baby .
Yn: yah I am human not a machine .
Jk; I knew it baby but please..
Yn; Jeon jungkook .
Jk: what hottie.
Yn : ahhh I wanna go out .
Jk: okay let's go.

He said and leave me and I pulled his hands . We went out to talk a walk I feel the fresh air of America. I wrap my hands around his arms . He smile and pulled me close . It's so cold . And he lead me somewhere . I saw a cool view of a river . Damn I love it .

Yn: it's so cool baby
Jk: do you like it huh .
Yn: yes it's amazing and the air is awesome and it's super .
Jk: love you so much babe
Yn: I hate you too jungkook
Jk: awww love you so much .
Yn: really
Jk: yes baby. Can we go somewhere to get warm .
Yn: what do you mean .
Jk: yah not dirty I mean the cafe.

We went to the cafe i see it's very aesthic and it's giving me a Christmas vibe .
We enter and he order a cappuccino and hot chocolate.  And we talk about the radom things you know the couple things (Author: being single and it's all my fate to see all this🥲) .
It's not my fault that you being single bitch .

Then he got call from taehyung I didn't mind and I look through window and I notice a gurl is looking at us .

I deeply sip my chocolate drink and she look at me like she is going to kill Me.
Then she smirk at me .

Yn: who is she ................

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