devil's love 2

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Morning time

I am sleeping sound fully then I hear my alarm and I off it and got up and did all the morning routine went to kitchen and see dad he making breakfast I smile and sit on the chair he place the food I smile and we eat together then my dad went out for walking he usually do that then I got call from jimin I attend it he speak so fearfully

Jimin: y-yn do u know what
Yn: what happened why u sound so weird
Jimin: go and see the news now goo fast
Yn: wait what okay I will
Jimin: call me after that

I cut the call and turn on the TV and see news and got shocked because the news is about Mike he found dead in the middle of the road like someone made him hang his body on the traffic light stand my knees gave up I fall down and can't believe because I am the one who saw you last time he try to behave bad omg I don't know what to do Then I got call from unknown number

Yn: hello who is this
Police : we are police will u come at xxxx station please
Yn: why sir
Police: because it's Mike will u come or not
Yn: yes I will be there
Police: And your friend jimin is also here mam

I went to station and see jimin is sitting there and he smile when he saw me then a tall man came to me and show his dimple smile I bow to him

Yn: sir why he is here
Police: mam relax I am Kim namjoon the head department of the Police and I will investigate this case
Yn: I am lim yn
Namjoon: miss yn we can talk in my office
Yn: yes sir

Then me and jimin went to his office he gave us water and he sit in front of us we sat in the chair he smile to us and he call someone we saw a man with wide shoulder and tall has handsome face
He bow to him he gave his smile

Namjoon: meet this Mr Kim seok jin
Jin: hi I a world wide handsome jin IA m also a part of this case
Yn,jimin: yeah hi
Namjoon: so miss yn how do u related to Mike like he is same school as you right
Yn: yes sir
Namjoon: then you guys should be close right
Jimin: no sir he is such a bully even he bully yn yesterday and he slap her and I fight with him then principal suspended him for one week
Namjoon: okay good now miss yn yesterday something happened to you
Yn: yes, when I finish my part time job and walking through streets he came and slap me and said I am the one cause him to suspended then he try to touch me then I punch him and gave a nice kick and push him came to my home
Namjoon: okay That's good defense
Now jin did u got everything
Jin: yes sir I got everything record
Namjoon: okay now you two go home and take rest don't worry about it we will soon find who did
Yn: sir would u mind if I ask what exactly happened to him
Namjoon: ummm like someone stab his face and cut his face with kinfe and beat the hell out him and break his both leg and cut his balls while he is alive and his one nail is missing maybe he try to protect from his killer by diging his nail on him and take all his organs when he was alive and died then hang him the traffic light stand in the middle of the road even the crows eat his half face he look so pathetic
Jimin: that so bad sir i Hope you find the killer sir
Namjoon: yep now you can go thanks for your time

We left from there and I still shock like who did that I am sure that man only did because he beat him like hell I am not sure but then I hear jimin called

Jimin: earth to yn
Yn: yes
Jimin: so what are gonna do now
Yn: idk maybe I should go to work
Jimin: why u keep on working uh uf u wnat money just tell me I am there for you yn
Yn: thanks but you did so much to me I am good thanks for words jimin
Jimin: this is my yn okay i will go but if u need me give me a call
Yn: thanks jimin I will

He smile and hug me went to his car I went straight to shop and saw everyone is talking about Mike when I hear his name it's making me uncomfortable
Then Lucy came to me and hug me

Lucy: yn are you okay now
Yn: yeah fine what happened
Lucy : that Mike is gone now u gonna be okay
Yn: but still feel sad for him
Lucy: yah he is your bully he is gone for good now
Yn: yeah whatever now go and do some work go
Lucy: pabo

I smile and went to kitchen prepare the order then the boss she came and smile to me I bow and went inside her room she is so genuine person she is kind me always then my phone bizzed and I went and took it's dad he message me to come home early 9 then I saw the jacket that man gave me I think I need to give him
Then I smell his collagen it's smell so nice I love this smell because mother use this collagen I hug it and I feel someone behind me

Yn: aish Lucy what are you doing Here
Lucy : whooo gave u this huh
Yn: yesterday Mike behave bad to me and one person came and save me and gave jacket drop me in the house make sure I am safe but I need to return his jacket but idk who and where is he
Lucy: look like I am hearing a mystery story
Yn: get your ass to work okay
Lucy: aish hate you pabo
Yn: yah pabo go now

Then I went to all the table and clean the floor and table and I notice something off I try to find it but idk what is off
Then I saw that same man yesterday I called him he walk away Then I grab his
Jacket And follow him then he stopped in the alley I run to him then I caught him

Yn: Mister omg what are u ,you are walking fast now here your jacket thanks for yesterday I am so grateful
For you I will pay u some how okay

He bow and took the jacket And went away I wonder he can speak or not hm cold but why he always stalk me it's so creep whatever I need to get back to work still something see off idk what it is

Then I came to work and saw Lucy and her boyfriend Pete he also work here all thses days he was out town he is also my best friend we had lunch to together
And we had fun and i went to home and my dad is sleeping then I saw it's already 6pm Jesus I am glad I came home this early then I did all my clg work  and flop my self in bed and looking out of my window I see a lot of people going home so happily I smile while seeing them then I sleep

Time skip to midnight

I am sleeping peacefully then I heard a thud sound I got and check my dad he sleeping I tuck him in sheets and kiss his head and came to my room then i saw that man who helped me he staring at me I got scared and he show me sometime I went down and no one in the road it's so chilly I went to him he smile in his mask

Yn: wait how did u get it huh please say something
?: I found it in alley so I thought of giving you
Yn: it's my mom necklace thanks u did a great job of getting it to me
?: okay by the way I am jk
Yn: Oh nice to meet you jk I am lim yn
Jk: nice and sorry for stalking you but I wanna give this that why I followed you
Yn: okay thanks ,omg it's so cold I need to go now
Jk : wait yn come here

He pull me in the hug I flinch because he is so big and muscle his body his warm
But his hands is cold then he hug me so tightly and I feel so warm and I forgot
That chilly wind then he said

Jk: please will you hug me huh please

Then I hug him I think he lonely because sometime I feel like that only but he need someone company I think so then he part away from me then I touch his face

Yn: why is your face and hands are cold
Jk: idk..umm bye

He ran away and i came to my room and lay in my bed hmm what is he I think something off whatever I need to sleep now


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