devil love 26

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Yn pov .

I smirk and came to my room and lock the door and I wash my lips and look at the mirror .

Yn: damn yn that was a extremely Brave move . Maybe he think about me right
Yeah ofcouse I made him something with my kiss .

Then I felt the door Knob twist and he came in I put my drama face he came with a smile on my face .

Daz: hey sweetie.
Yn: what * cold*
Daz: give me a kiss
Yn: what no way .
Daz: but you gave one before right
Yn: I gave because you help me to feed me a food .
Daz: Oh then how about we can go out .
Yn: wow really
Daz: yes darling .
Yn: then come let's go
Daz: but one thing . If you try escape or tell me about to someone I will kill you .
Yn: Oh come on I won't do that like nobody is going to save Me cause the devil is gone .
Daz: smart .

I smile and he offer his hands and I accept and we went down and I got into car and drove off to city . After long time I smell a fresh hair . He gave me a smile then I see the city is so empty only few people are there. Then I told him to stop at the ice-cream shop cause I am craving for it .

Daz: you want ice-cream
Yn: yeah I am craving for it
Daz: wait let me get it
Yn: no I will buy it .
Daz: your choice .

I took his black card and went I brought two ice-cream and sat next to him.
He smile and we ate ice-cream and I feel so relax.

Yn: come let's go for a walk now .
Daz: no darling
Yn: please come with me * pout*
Daz: damn okay .

I pulled him out and I look at the side of the alley I saw a black hoodie guy I smirk and he disappear from there
I smile and run and spin and play like a child his eyes were admiring me I felt disgusted. Then I turn around and saw him . He smile at me .

This is the first time I am looking at him fully wow he is not that bad

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This is the first time I am looking at him fully wow he is not that bad . But comparing him to jk he is not better than him. my baby is always hot . And sexy
He started to talk in his phone and I had a plan I walk slowly behind him and he is little further than me so I called him .

daz: what darling

He turn around and I run and jump on him and he caught me and I wrap my hands on his neck and my leg around his waist . I smile and look at him his brown eyes were want to listen to my explanation.

Yn: how dare you not Give me your attention
Daz: wow you want my attention huh.
Yn: yes ofcouse
Daz: what can I get in return
Yn: my love .
Daz: you changed but I feel something suspicious
Yn: why . Don't you trust me huh.
Daz: no I trust you but I need some clarification right
Yn: look first I hate you but when I saw you and you call me with so much of love and I started to trust you and when mil hurt me and you killed him .that's when you gain my trust
Daz: wow baby . So I can I touch you right
Yn: yes but I need some time because whenever you touch Me I will remember the devil . So when I completely forget him I will come to you Daz.

He look at me with awe expression and I blush and hide my face in his neck he hug me and I feel wetness I bet he is crying .

Then we came home and i went to my bed and I heard a knock . I opened and saw he standing with a smile and he is shirtless.

Daz: I wanna sleep Next to you .
Yn: sure come in
Daz: thanks sweetie

He came and tuck himself and I lay next I feel really hate to sleep Next to him but I need to escape . Idk wha is jk doing and I want him right now. Then I smile at him

He came and hug me I hug him his face is on my chest and his body is so warm .

Daz: yn do you know something
Yn: w-what it is
Daz: I love you when I saw at that hospital
Yn: hospital
Daz: yes that's when I saw you . You stole my heart but that devil I saw you with him . But before I saw you and make you fell for me . Things might be different right.
Yn: yes

He kiss my cheek and fell asleep but I didn't. Why could he say that to me .
Why just why . Tch just sleep.

The next morning......

I woke up in a gaint hands wrap around my hips. I opened saw him still sleeping I just remove my hands and he slightly groan I went into bathroom and I remove all my clothes and I Sat on the tub and I notice a paper on the basin I got up and took it and read it .

" princess I will come for you
Please wait little more days love u"

- the devil.

I felt my tears fall from my eyes and I couldn't hold it back because I miss him so much . How long should I wait for him . Like how long I hate to stay here I need to dispose the paper . But suddenly it turned into ash like ways ; then I washed myself and wrap myself in Towel and went out and saw he still sleeping I wore a pretty short dress . And I Clam my cells so it won't murder the person in front of me . I put a small smile and went towards him .

Yn: daz Daz Daz
Daz: Oh morning sweetie pie
Yn: wake up Daz
Daz: hmm give me a kiss.
Yn: aish no first go and wash yourself
Daz: no I want it .
Yn: caught me first .

I quickly ran towards the door and I try to open it but he pulled me. I hit on his hard chest and he smirk at me .

Daz: u think you can escape huh
Yn: yeah
Daz: smart talk
Yn: so wat are you waiting for
Daz: Oh eager than me
I glup and pray to jk for sorry and he kiss me I kiss back for the sake of the plan . He enter his tongue and we were kissing like a mad people and his hand went inside my top . I moan and he lastly gave me a peck. I blush and hide in his chest . He smiles

Daz: feels like I am a happy man
Yn: me too I think before the devil I should meet you instead of him.
Daz: same goes Here sweetie .
Yn: Come let's go and eat
Daz: why you need food when I am here for you .
Yn: shut up Huh

I role my eyes and went down and eat the food and suddenly he asked me.

Daz: yn I know you are acting right
Yn: w-what.

Devil will come for his love ................

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