devil love 6

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Yn is sleeping peaceful and rain is getting heavier and thunder is so scary but she sleeping in that sound she turn to right side and sleep but she feel strange then she slowly open her eyes and saw no one is there maybe her imagination she think so she didn't knew someone is under her bed and hiding and staring at her

That person is jk he smile so softly and sit beside her and touch her face smile
He admire her so softly he make sure she doesn't wake up then he went out and open the door and went down and see so many guys dressed in black and
So many cars are standing there he went
Into a car and sat down he saw a guy who medium height ,look like tired and
Yawn like cat ,jk just sigh and look at him

Jk: yah hyung what are doing Here
?: look kook we need you now okay the weapon you asked are came in the cargo ship but they said you cancle them
Jk:*sigh* look yoongi hyung now I just Don't need them okay
Yoongi: whatever now we need that weapon okay
Jk: why are you so intended to buy that weapon
Yoongi: I will tell you later but why are you again in her house and why did you Kill him I yold you we can talk about it later
Jk: wow you got so many question now I will answer it one bye one okay
Yoongi: first why did you Kill him
Jk : he won't give me the thing I asked so I kill him okay I asked him like 2 years and he said he need some time but it's too late
Yoongi: you are so bad jungkook and second is why are you in her house again

This time he didn't answer he ignore and pour a glass of wine and drink it in one glup yoongi sigh and throw his head back then jungkook he look at the at the rain

Yoongi: Kook what you doing is wrong okay if you like her tell her and get her right instead of doing this okay I don't like it jk even you miss you target and thinking about her

Jk: hyung my love for her is dangerous but now she not mine anymore she love someone hyung that kill me and hurt me more hyung this pain is new for me after all what I gone through I love her and I want her hyung

Yoongi: jungkook ahh drop your act I know who you are

Jk: aish hyung you caught me hahh

Yoongi: look I know who you are okay and I know what u gonna do to her hm

Jk: yes she gonna live a hell with me
I will show my love and pain also

Yoongi: you can't do this because of that thing okay it will hurt her emotions and feeling and mentally also

He sigh and they reach there mansion and yoongi got down and went inside
Then jk enter all the guards are on there feet and while walking his sound is enough making everyone shiver then a maid came and took his shoes and he went to his room took a shower

While bathing he notices the bandage which yn put it for him in the neck
Is still there he smile and came with only towel and he wear a black shirt and pant and wear a perfume which yn likes
And he went down and see some mens are waiting for him

Jk: why standing sit down okay
Mr lee: no sir you sit first we will stand
Jk: your wish
Mr lee: sir the weapons are here which you order sir
Jk: hm how many cargo is here
Mr lee : umm 350 is here sir
Jk: what? I asked 500 right
Mr lee: sir the weather is bad so some of them are stuck so please be patient we will get it quick as possible
Jk: be a man on your words okay * grin*
Mr lee: yes sure sir I will* glup in fear*
Jk: everyone get out now expect Mr lee
Mr lee: why sir
Jk: I will tell u Mr lee
Then all the guards went out jk got up and walk to Mr lee
Jk: Mr lee I heard you harass one of my maid
Mr lee: what sir No I won't do that
Jk: I clearly saw that in camera Mr lee
Even though if you accept the truth I will leave u alive but you lied to me
Mr lee: * fall on hid knees* sir please forgive I did wrong but don't kill me
Jk: you are too late.

He shoot Mr lee and he died in that spot
Jk lick the blood and laugh like a fucking mad person and The guards came and took Mr lee body

Jk: look throw him to Maria okay
Guards: yes sir

They went with the body then jk turn around and talking to someone then suddenly

?: kookieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Someone came and jump on him jk caught that person his arms and that person hug him tightly yoongi came and push him down

Yoongi: yah taehyung ah why did you do that
Taehyung: yoongiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Yoongi: omg noo jk help me

Taehyung hug him tightly yoongi felt suffocate jk smile and pull him to him

Jk: yah when did y come from Spain
Taehyung: this morning only so I came straight here
Jk: how is mother now is she okay
Taehyung: doctor said she is fine soon she will wake up
Yoongi: thank goodness
Jk: okay now go and fresh up
Taehyung: okay
Yoongi: come i will show you the room
Taehyung; hyung give me a kiss please
Yoongi: aish you brat go your room now

Jk enjoy the scene and he smile then he got a call from a person he something which make jk so angry

Yoongi: jk
Jk: what
Yoongi: it's time jk
Jk: this soon
Yoongi: yes the time you asked for
Jk: we need to wait hyung
Yoongi: are u kidding me ,after all this time we waited for this day
Jk: I have a perfect plan
Yoongi:*smirk* oh this is gonna fun jk
But make sure you don't hurt them okay
Jk: sure * smirk*

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