~Talking To Rei~

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Rindo Kaito POV:

"I came here to see you"

Rei looked at me with shock, she started tearing up. I went up to her and crouch to her level.

"What's wrong Rei?" I ask her, concern as to why she is crying.

"It's just...I've missed you so much and not seeing for this long had torn me apart..." She said, as she tried to wipe her tears away.

I quickly grab my white hakerchief that bring with me, just in case I get dirt or sweat on me and give it to her. (don't worry, I cleaned it and didn't use it for today).

"Thank you Rindo" Rei thanked me.

"Of course." I tell her.

I never knew she felt that way, I sort of feel bad for not ever finding her or reaching out to her.

After she got married and stuff, I just got promoted to be chief for the police department, which meant, I went to help out heroes on there line of work. Which also meant I didn't have the time or place to talk to anyone or hang out with anyone, including Rei.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you.." I tell her, as I looked down in shame.

"Rindo, you don't have to apologize..I know you were busy and needed to live your life..so I understand why I haven't heard from you for a very long time." She said, as she grabs my face gently to look up at her.

"It's not though Rei...I left you to deal with things by yourself with Enji.." I said to her, anger rising in me.


"Do you even remember the last time we talked?"


I was at Rei house, well her and Enji's house. Rei got married to him a week ago and are now planning on what there going to do, moving as a 'married couple'. 

Anyway, me and Rei are having a typical afternoon tea together, since Rei felt lonely and needed someone to talk to.

Sadly, I didn't have much time today and I was already getting threatened to be fired if I didn't make it.

"Sorry to cut this tea time short..I have to go to work now" I tell Rei, giving her a sad smile.

"Oh...okay" Rei said, as I start to head on out. "Rindo!" Rei called out to me.

I look at her with a curious look on my face.

"I-I love you!" Rei said to me sheepishly, as I blushed from that.


"It's true! I love you! I still love you!" Rei said, coming towards me, putting her hands against my chest.

"Rei..you know this isn't right...you are married..you can't have feelings for me anymore..and I can't either as well" I tell her, giving her my grim face.

"But maybe we can keep it a secret! No one will know!" Rei said, pressing her body against mine.

"NO REI! I'm sorry, but we can't! WE JUST CAN'T!" I tell her, pushing her lightly away from me.

"YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT! Everything we had together...YOU ARE GOING TO JUST LET ALL OF THAT BE FORGOTTEN?!!!" Rei yelled, tears running down her face with an angry yet sad scowl on her face.


I finally said out loud. Causing Rei to stop scowling at me. She gave me a look of...defeat and.....despair.

"Now...I'm leaving...see ya around Mrs.Todoroki..." I tell her, as I shut the door.

Never seeing her again...


"It was awful..." I said to her, thinking back on how bad things had left off between us.

"Yes, but it wasn't because of you...you did the right thing and not get in between mine and Enji's marriage and for that...I still respect you til this day for doing that." Rei told me, giving my hand a firm soft grip.

"I-thank you Rei...I always thought you hated me for that and even thought I should've just agreed with you." I tell Rei, hugging her gently.

"I never did and never will with you Rindo." Rei said, as she hugged me back as well.

We both hugged one another in peace and after that, I had to go back home.

"I'll be sure to come back to see you, Rei.." I tell her, giving her a happy glance with my bright yellow, hot pink, and orange colored eyes that showed my bright white pupils.

"Okay, I'll be waiting than, Rindo." Rei told me, giving me a look at her grey blackish eyes that are so beautiful to me.

"Good." I tell her as I open the door, about to head out.



"....Be careful!" She told me as I chuckle at that and nodded to her.

"I will." I said to her as I close the door and left to go home.

I shall cherish this day of being with Rei again.



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