~The Visitor~

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Rindo Kaito POV:

I quickly pull myself up and check my surroundings.

Okay, I'm in the hospital so I'm not hallucinating. I quickly felt a pain down my region. I clasp my stomach to try to soothe the pain.

I hear the door open and I saw a nurse come in with a check board. The nurse looked up and saw me sitting up, my hand clasping my stomach.

"Ah your awake!" The nurse said in shock.

"Yeah? I know it's been a few hours since I was knocked out but-"

"Actually sir, you've been out for three weeks." The nurse told me, as I looked in shocked.

"I.........was..?" I said, mostly asking myself that than anything.

"Yes...the shot you had taken in your stomach was so deep in there that we thought you would never wake up..." The nurse told me, as I contemplated my whole life choices.

I could've died. I was stupid enough to risk my life to just get the upper hand on the shooter!
If I died, I would've left my friends, family, my fellow police officers.....and...and.....Rei....

I can't do that again...especially since I have Rei now in my life again. No more risking my life anymore.

"Thankfully you have woken up and there's been a woman that has been coming down to visit you, not sure if you know her, but her name is Rei Todoroki."

"Yes I do know her!" I tell him, as he looked shocked from my sudden action.

"Oh, um if you want, do you want to see her, she is actually waiting in the lobby." The nurse said, as I nod in a frantic way.

"Yes, please!" I tell him, as he nodded with a smile and went to go get Rei.

Not too long after,  I saw Rei come into the room.

"Rindo!" Rei said, as she came over and hugged me.

"Rei, please be careful.." I tell her, as I hug her back, but wincing while doing so.

"Oh right! Sorry..." Rei apologized, she backed away and sheepishly put one of her arms onto the other.

"It's okay, how were you able to see me..? Weren't you not allowed to go out of the hospital...?" I ask her.

"I saw the news of what happened to you and demanded to see you, what surprised me was that they actually allowed me to without me have to struggle." She told me, as I nodded to each word she told me.

"I see...that's nice of them to do.." I tell her as she nodded in agreement with me.

"Yeah it was...I missed talking to you...I'm glad your okay now" Rei told me as she caressed my cheek in a soothing gesture.

"Yeah, same here...how many times have you visited me?" I ask her.

"....twenty times.." Rei said as I looked at her in shock.

"Wow...that's a lot of visits." I said to her, as she sweat a little with a slight blush on her face.


"I don't mind though..it was really sweet of you to visit me and giving your time of the day to see my dead asleep self haha." I said to her, as she chuckled at that.

"Your such a goofball!" She said to me.

"And your a gorgeous woman!" I say, but than I stopped chuckling a bit after saying that.

I suddenly start blushing and look at Rei who is blushing as well. I quickly looked away, now embarrassed of what I just said to her.

"I'm sorry...Rei, I didn't mean to-"

"No! Don't apologize! I actually didn't mind you saying that to me!"

"You sure...?"

"Mhm!" Rei said happily, as I gave her a awkward smile.

"Um..Mrs.Todoroki..you have to go now...visiting hours are up." The Doctor said as he pointed to the clock.

"Oh? Isn't visiting hours over in two hours?" Rei asked confused.

"Visiting hours are a bit short today, Mrs.Todorki...so sorry." The Doctor said, as he carefully grabbed Rei and started walking her to the door.

"Oh okay...bye Rindo!" Rei said happily.

"Bye Rei!" I tell her, as I smile at her retreating form.

Once Rei left the room, the Doctor closes the dorm and stands straight. His chest puffed out.

He turns around and looks at me. He was wearing his glasses so I couldn't see the glare he was giving. I only saw his mouth frown though which made me confused.

The Doctor walked towards me and leaned towards my figure.

"Mr.Kaito...I need you to stop seeing Mrs.Todoroki." The Doctor told me in a serious tone.

"Wha-why?" I asked him, confused as to why he is telling me to not see Rei.

"She is taken, Mr.Kaito...what you are doing is disgusting and disrespectful to Mr.Todoroki." The Doctor told me, as he point his index finger at my face.

"I know that, it's not like I'm stepping boundaries, sir...and you aren't the boss of me...until you are, I'm still going to see Rei because I care about her...other than her own husband.."

"Actually Mr.Kaito...he does care about her...he just shows it in a different way.." The Doctor told me, as he gave me his 'all it know' tone. "But, if you don't stop visiting her..I will report this to Mr.Todoroki and I'm sure he wouldn't be happy to hear that a man that he doesn't even know about is visiting his wife..." The Doctor threatened me, as he scowled at me in anger.

"Why do you care anyway? What makes you have the right to be in someone else's business?!" I tell him, now standing on my own two feet.

Sure I may be in pain and shouldn't be out of the bed, but I am not allowing this Doctor to talk down to me like I'm some mutt.

"Because me and Mr.Todoroki are friends.." The Doctor told me, as I look at him in shock. "Since he is my friend, I know about the situation..." He said, as I just did a 'Tch' and sat back down.

"Doesn't matter...all I care about is making Rei happy and since she seems happy with me for now...I'm still going to see her." I tell him, as he just scowled and started heading out.

"If you disobey what I told you, Mr.Kaito...it'll be the last time for you to see Mrs.Todoroki.." He told me, as he opened the door and slammed the door behind him, harshly.

Bring it on Doc...because I'm not going to listen to you..Rei happiness comes first and if I am what makes her happy than I'm going to see her still...so Doc, you better be ready because..

I'm not gonna stop for no one...

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