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Tyreek's POV

"Tyreek yuh nah go to school" My mother called.

"Yeah" I shouted back to her.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and took a bath.

I walked downstairs and saw my father sitting around the table drinking his coffee and my mother in the kitchen.

"Morning Sir" I said politely to my father and he just nodded.

I mean I can't really call him daddy because he does not allow it he is very strict with me I don't know why.

"Morning Mommy" I said and sat down while she brought my breakfast.

"Morning sweetie" She answered.

I ate and brought my dish and cup to the kitchen. I then went upstairs and put on my uniform then went back downstairs.

"Mommy I'm leaving" I said opening the door before my father stopped me.

"Tyreek come yah" he said seriously.
"Yes sir" I went over to him answering.
After school mi ago wah yuh fi come straight home cause mi and uh have business fi do you hear mi" he said.

Bredda why dis ya man ya have fi be so intimidating.

"Yes sir" I answered. He gave me 16 grand and I left for school.

You know seh him never stay like dat a because him a Badman as mi mother say it. She use to tell mi seh when mi did likkle him use to give mi everything mi wah. But mi kinda remember because when mi did like around 12 him carry mi go a Arcade and many other fun places.

But since mi turn 16 he started to act rough wid mi. Mi seh every likkle ting mi do the man have a problem wid it.
Mi caa really speak the Jamaican language around him sometimes cause him seh mi have fi know fi speak proper English because mi ago need it. Need it fi wah. Sometimes mi have to think that.

And mi even have fi learn different languages. Bredda it hard you see. Is like mi in Dem movie deh weh mi ago be the next person fi take over di business. Sometimes him shout after mi if mi mess up things and if him see mi a idle. But mommy mek him calm down sometimes and mek mi do weh mi want.

After di driver drop mi off at school mi see mi friend Jaheem a talk to some girls. Him always have a group a girl round him.

"Yo Jaheem" I called to him.
"Yo bredda what a gwaan" he said and we did our little brotherly greeting.

"Weh you a do out yah yuh naa go in a di school mi g " I asked looking at the girls while they smiled at me.

Bredda mi done know seh mi good looking but jah jah is like dem girl yah waa take off mi clothes wid dem eye well a light skin man dem want.

"Deh ya wid di catty dem man" him say smiling at the girls.

A gyalis dis eno. We went into school cause di bell ring.

Time skip lunch time

Mi and mi friend dem Jaheem, Joshua Antonio and Alex was sitting after having our lunch when the group a girl Dem come in yuh know seh in wa school you ago have di dolly dem well a dem ya a di dolly.

Well di one weh mi think a di leader came up to me. Yo before mi coulda react di likkle girl come siddun in a mi lap.

"Yo bredda a wah u a do man get up" I said trying to push ar off a mi.

"So a so yuh a do mi Tyreek" she asked looking at me putting ar hands around my neck.

"How me a do yuh Keisha just get up" I said pushing her off me.

"Ok a so yuh stay" she said putting her hand on her waist. "Anyways mi can talk to you in private please" she said.

"Why" I ask raising an eye bro.

"Just come nuh" she said irritated.

"Dog just gwaan wid di girl nuh" Josh said.

I got up and walked out the classroom.

"What happen" I asked
"Umm mi just a tell yuh say mi like uh" she said then tried to hold my hand.

But look yah. A mi she want my father fi kill mi not even can have Jaheem as mi friend much less.

Yeah mi father strict mi can't have mi friend dem over unless a school work or mi mother bribe him fi mek dem come a mi house.

"My girl look mi no want to hurt your yuh feelings but mi caa date yuh" I said calmly.

"Why Tyreek mi a bet say a because a yuh father" she said pouting her lip.

I did not answer her because she is actually right.

"But yuh nuh have fi mek him know" she suggest.

"Him ago know Keisha him have people weh a watch mi" I said

"But- "

"Just stop mi naa deh wid yuh" I said cutting her off then the bell rang.

I went back to the classroom to see the guys talking to the girls.

I took my bag and left to my next class.

After school

I was walking to outside of the classroom when the guys called me.

"Bredda a what happen"

"What u a talk bout"

"Bout you and di girl"

" She just tell mi she like mi"

" Well mi sorry fi ar yf because u caa deh wid nobody" Antonio said smirking.

"Yeah man yuh life sad"Joshua said laughing.

"Yo mi a go come cut go home now" I said then walked away.

I went to the gate and saw the driver there waiting on me.

jah jah why did have to be mi. Mi want to chill out with mi friend Dem and act like a normal teenager but mi father have different plans.

I got home to see my mother sitting on the couch watching the TV. She looked up at me and ask me how was school and I told her it was okay I threw my bag on the floor and I fell into the coach.

What happen to you
Come on you know you can tell mi what wrong wid you.

Before I could answer my father came downstairs.

"Good evening sir" I said standing.
"Gwaan go change and put on some clothes and come back to me"

"Tyrone him just come from school yuh caa mek him rest first" my mother asked as he walked over to her.

While he was standing Infront of her he looked over to me and sent mi up.

Alexis Pov

After TJ sent Tyreek up stairs he was standing Infront of me.

"Move from Infront a mi you too awful" I said pushing him away sitting on the couch.

"Babe chill nuh you done know how it go already"

"Anything uh say" I said and hissed my teeth.

"Babe yuh-" he was cut off by Tyreek entering back the living room.

Tj got up and walked out the door with Tyreek behind him.

Beginning to an End - What ever Girl wants part 2Where stories live. Discover now