Business and bullying

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Author pov

They went out the house and straight into the car. They then was driven to the cargo ship station.

Tyrone got out the car as tyreek followed him  from behind. As they went to the dock where a container was unloaded.

"So how it going" Tyrone asked
"Everything good don"
"Ahh carry Dem to the warehouse"

As he ordered his men did.

They went back into the car and drove to a hideout. They exited the car and went into an old hut.

Tyreek wondered what they were doing here he is thinking his father had nothing doing in this place so why would he come to an old hut with insects and cobweb. Tyreek's thoughts were cut off by the wall opening making an entrance.

They entered and it closed behind them.

"What are we doing here sir" Tyreek mentally slapped himself for questioning his father.

However this time Tyrone did not scold him he just told him to follow him and they both entered an office.

"Tyreek soon everything ago be fi yuh and mi have to make sure uh ready fi anything" Tyrone said sitting in the chair around the desk while Tyreek remained standing.

"Mi ago want yuh fi start yuh training as soon as yuh turn 17"

Tyreek was now utterly confused what did he mean by training.

"Mi see yuh look confused. Well uh have to train fi take over when mi can't anymore. So that include uh have fi know how fi handle gun. How fi fight, doing business and allot of other things and most importantly uh caa love nuh woman; uh caa fall in love and trust nobody"

"Uh heard have  fi be cold like ice" he said as he looked deep into his son's eyes making him gulp.

"Now all uh have fi do is focus on your book and when uh done school next year you can start train. Now mi know yuh have a lot of questions but Dem ago answer in due time yuh hear mi" he said and Tyreek nodded with a yes sir.

They left and went home and Tyreek ate dinner and went to bed with a lot of questions on his mind.

Tyreek Pov

I was woken by the alarm and I got ready for school at breakfast and left.

I got to school and saw the guys over where we normally hang out.

Yo what's up" I greeted them

"Bredda what a gwaan uh look f up" Joshua said grinning.

"Everything good dog just chill" I said annoyed already.

We began to talk about girls and cars and video games and talking about who was the best.

While talking I heard a little small voice saying to excuse I looked at the direction it was coming from and saw a short girl with her books holding them close to her chest looking down at the floor.

I was about to move when Antonio came towards the girl and started making trouble.

"Weh uh name"he asked the girl
"Ash- Ashanti" she stammered.
"So Ashanti what are you reading here" Antonio took a reading book from her looking at the cover.
"Oh you reading Romio and Juliet" he said and Alex and Joshua burst out laughing along with Antonio and some other students who were watching.

"Who the fuck read dem here now a days dag" Antonio looked at me pointing the book and I grinned.

"Yeah fi true dawg dem did still have dem book yah " I said 

Suddenly Antonio started to tear the book pages while laughing and she tried
to stop him. After throwing the book on the floor she stooped down and took up the pages.

She got up and wiped her eyes.
A weh u a cry fa likkle girl" Alex asked
Bredda uno fi stop trouble the girl Dem eno dawg" Jaheem finally said after all the commotion.

She walked away as we all laughed.

Ashanti Pov

After the accident that happened this morning I was constantly being laughed at by everyone. I went into my form class with my lunch and saw the guys. I went over to my seat in the back of the class and began to eat. As I was eating Keisha and her friends came over to me.

"Mi see you talk to mi man this morning" she said grabbing my lunch from me.

"Mi no know who you a talk bout" I said holding my head down.

"Bitch yuh know a who tyreek mi a talk bout" she said

"Mi never talk to him "I said
Girl stop lying mi see you this morning wid him and him friend Dem" she said the threw my lunch on the floor.

I stood up.

"Why u do dat" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Stay way from him uh hear mi" she said before pushing me on the floor and walked out the class room.

I got up brushed off my uniform and looked at the boys who were laughing.
My eyes caught with tyreek's and he looked back at his friends and continue talking.

I sat down back in my chair and read my book.

Tyreek Pov

I opened the front door to see my mother looking at me furious.

"Good Evening" I said
"Tyreek" my mother called angrily
"Why you and yuh friend dem bully waa girl a school today" she said and I gulped

"You know what go take off u uniform and come back to mi" she said and sat back down in the couch.

I went to my room and took a bath put on some clothes and went back down stairs.

"Tyreek what happen a school today"
"Weh u mean mommy" I said sitting a couple meters away from her.

"Why u and uh friend dem trouble the likkle girl"

"Mommy a never mi a Antonio go trouble ar mi just stand up there"

"So why uh never stop him" she asked
"Why mommy" I asked annoyed.
"Ok I see" she took up her slippers and flig it at me.
"Mommy a wha u a do man" I said as I got up from the couch.

"U see if tomorrow come and uh and yuh friend Dem nuh apologize to ar mi and yuh just watch how mi a go kill uh"
She said and got up to go up stairs.

Mi not even care mi not telling her nothing after the girl nuh god. Bombaat mi head a hat mi. I said and went into the kitchen to find something to eat. After eating I went to play videogames.

Alexis Pov

It was around ten and TJ was not at home yet. Mi and him when him come to. A couple of minutes later he came and went straight to the bathroom.

After he came out he was about to kiss me but I stopped him.

" A wha happen" he asked confused
Uh know mi get a news from Tyreek bodyguard seh him and him friend dem tear up waa book fi waa girl.

"All she have fi do is buy it back b" he said

"Oh so it nuh mean nothing to yuh say dem embarrassed the girl" I said utterly disappointed.

"B wi not even know the girl just let it go nuh man" he said pulling me closer to him. I got up from the bed.

"B why it bother uh so" he said frustrated.

"What kinda stupid ass question that. You expect say people fi get bullied and it done so. Uh just don't understand" I said

"Understand what" he asked
"Understand that mi was a victim of this and nobody never care fi mi. After mi parents died nobody never have any simpathy fi mi mi get bullied fi don't have a parent and wearing the same tear up shoes everyday to school. How Dem usually bead mi up until mi end up have to spend 2 weeks in the hospital" I said as I was now crying.

"Uh don't understand mi feel it fi ar what if she poor and can't buy back the book. What if she nuh have no parents or what if a one parent figure she have wid low income". I said then wiped my tears and went into the bathroom closing the door ignoring his calls.

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