Chapter 9

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The training camp soon turned to a hell hole for the students of class 1a and 1b. They trained from morning till late afternoon and then had to cook their own dinner. Although it was tough it was showing benefits for some already. One of the most impressive changes was from the resident bomber himself Katsuki Bakugo. His quirk had grown to amazing lengths and he was only getting better everyday, but that wasn't the biggest change in the pomeranian. Bakugo had a bit of a revelation ever since the sports festival. He never hated Izuku, truly he never did. He was just clouded by anger, jealousy and the obsession to being the strongest that he lost sight of everything else. He pushed away any sort of help as it implied he was weak, he always tried to challenge Izuku and always lost, but something about that fight was different. Despite losing he felt content with himself, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. It came as a shock as he realized that all he really wanted was to be acknowledged by Izuku. Izuku had never gone all out against him and as a proud fighter it hurt him to no end. So seeing Izuku going all out in that final clash was a declaration of acknowledgement. Now he knew Izuku wasn't some invincible mountain that could never be reached, rather a mountain that was there to support them. He had always seen the way Izuku was ever ready to help out his classmates, in whatever way he could he'd do it without a second thought. It was then Bakugo decided that he wouldn't work against him or try to crush him, but to work with him and push themselves to lengths only they could determine themselves.

The week passed before the students knew it and the teachers decided to reward them with a free night off.
Izuku however was on edge the whole time. He had received a message from Stain saying that the league was attacking that very night. He kept an eye out for Aoyama as watching him was still part of his mission. He could've sent the location at any time, so the only thing to do was to wait for the attack. If he somehow managed to stay unscathed through the rout through the forest then he was definitely linked to them somehow.
The students were out having a test of courage game between 1a and 1b. It was fun and all until a purple fog began to seep through the trees.
Izuku immediately ran to the teachers section and informed them of the recent development.
"I have to find Aoyama" he said running into the forest. The students were then attacked by the league of villains, who were searching for Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku also know this, it was a hard decision to make, should he go after Aoyama? Or Bakugo?
Helping Bakugo would be very important for them but again if he could catch Aoyama all these attacks would come to an end.
"Sorry Bakugo. I hope you can hold on" he said picking up the pace.
It took a while of running into villains and helping the other students until he came to a small clearing.
There a portal opened and a black haired man with burnt skin all over came out of it. A Nomu stepped out behind him as well. He looked around and noticed Aoyama sitting silently behind a bush. The Nomu seemed to have sensed his presence, and even the man himself. Dabi approached the bush, then just walked past it with the Nomu following closely. This was it. There was no way Dabi didn't see Aoyama, and even if he didn't the Nomu did look in his direction. Izuku felt his blood boil in anger at his traitor of a classmate. He took a few pictures of evidence. Soon he'd expose him and he'd suffer the consequences of his actions. Izuku decided to leave before he would actually end up killing Aoyama. Back in the clearing the students were returning relatively unharmed. Mandalay one of the pussycats gasped in horror remembering her nephew had gone off alone.
Izuku was running towards the clearing when Mandalay's voice rang through the forest.
"Midoriya! I need you to find Kota. He went up the mountain"
He changed his direction and headed up the mountain.
Muscular was having fun with the terrified little kid in front of him. The boy's leg was broken and he'd thought he'd break a few more bones before finally killing him. Kota screamed in fear and desperation as Muscular reeled back his fist to hit him again.
Suddenly a giant arm crushed the villain into the mountainside.
Izuku had an expression of complete rage. "How dare you touch a little kid?!"
Muscular got up groggily and chuckled. "You hit hard man, you're gonna pay for that"
Izuku wasn't playing any games. This man ... this monster was the type of person that he wanted to rid the world of.
"Kota ... Close your eyes and turn away" Izuku said in a low voice.
The boy managed to do so still terrified and in pain.
Muscular cracked his knuckles.
"Seems you have a death wish kid. You don't know who you're messing with!!" he said as his muscle fibers began to grow.
Izuku said nothing but then suddenly a sword grew from Muscular's arm cutting it off. The big villain screamed in agony and looked shocked at the boy in front of him.
"The hell did you do?!"
"You don't need to know that" Izuku said running at Muscular. He used his muscle fibers to form a makeshift arm and threw another punch but Izuku jumped out of the way quick enough. Muscular much like the Nomu in the USJ was turned to the size of a fly.
"What is this?!" he asked in fear.
Izuku said nothing but just squashed the villain and rubbed off the smear on the floor.
Kota turned not hearing the villains voice anymore.
"I-i-s h-he gone?" the boy asked trembling.
"Yes. He won't hurt ever again" Izuku said picking up the boy and heading for the teachers area. Running with Kota it didn't take him long to get there, and arriving he met Todoroki, Shoji and Kirishima.
"Where's Bakugo?" he asked panting.
"They took him ... and Tokoyami" Todoroki replied.
"What a pain" Izuku said frustrated.

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