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Tulsa Oklahoma

A teenager boy with short brown hair was in his room playing a game on his PlayStation 4. Tyler was playing some sort of Dinosaur game all by himself as he had his door open to his room. As he was playing a tall man walked by as he looked into the room. The man had brown hair and a beard and mustache growing in. This man was Tyler's father, (Y/N) Murphy.

(Y/N): Are you winning son.

Tyler stop his game as he looked over.

Tyler: Hey dad, you need something.

(Y/N): Yeah. I need your help getting your mom a Christmas gift.

Tyler: Okay, give me a second to get ready.

(Y/N): Haha. Take your time sport we got all day.

Time Skip

Both (Y/N) and his son, Tyler were in a car heading towards the mall. (Y/N) was driving while Tyler was in the passenger seat with headphones in listening to music while looking out the window. Tyler looked over at his dad while he was driving as he wanted to ask him something.

Tyler: Hey, dad.

(Y/N): Yeah, Tyler.

Tyler: Can I ask you something.

(Y/N): Sure, ask me anything.

Tyler: I was just wondering, if maybe I could go to Jurassic World?

(Y/N): No

Tyler: But you said I could ask you anything.

(Y/N): I did, and I give you my answer. But on a side note, you are not going to that island what so ever.

Tyler: Why?

(Y/N): That is one of the most dangerous Island there is, on this planet. I'm not sending you to that death trap of an Island.

Tyler: Dad come on. I know you and mom don't like dinosaurs all that much, for some odd reason. But I don't. Please, I want to see them, real life dinosaurs.

(Y/N): You want to see a dinosaur, look at a chicken. Or look at some photos people have took of the dinosaur online.

Tyler: It not the same.

(Y/N): Yeah, well you are not going to that island.

It got quiet in the car as they keep driving. They then came to traffic light as (Y/N) let out a load sigh.

(Y/N): Look Tyler, I use to be just like you, young and love dinosaurs. But me and your mom have seen these things. They may look cool for now, but I'm tell you this, they are not.

Tyler: Why don't you like them?

(Y/N) looked down as old memories came to him.

(Y/N): It's a long story.

The light that they were at turn green as they started driving again.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Tyler. But I'm not letting you go to that island. Not to mention, we don't have that much money due to Christmas shopping.

Time Skip Woodland Hills Mall

Both Tyler and his Dad were in line waiting to check out. As they were waiting (Y/N) phone started ringing as he pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. Once he saw the caller id, he was confused, it was Mr. Masrani.

(Y/N): What the? Why is he calling me?

Tyler: Who calling you?

(Y/N): Just someone my Grandfather use to know. Hang on I need to take this. Here take this.

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