Happy Birthday, Eddie

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Everyone was walking in the forest as they have cough up to Tyler who was in the lead. As they were walking Tyler been picking up small rocks as he places them in his pockets. In the back of the group was Ben as he was freaking out, as he was walking he turned around to check behind him, but while doing so he stepped on a twig and screamed. This caused the others to scream as Tyler took out a rock and got ready to throw it.

Ben: Sorry, I stepped on a twig.

Brooklynn: Ugh, come on, man.

Sammy: You done gave me a heart attack!

Kenji: I should step on you.

Tyler puts the rock back in his pocket.

Darius: It's okay, Ben. We're all on edge.

Yaz: And lost.

Sammy: Yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Tyler, we sure we're still headed towards the Genetic Lab?

Brooklynn: Well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!

Yaz: Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone?

Tyler: Thank you, Yaz. Jesus, she said, she said. Shut the hell up. Like holy crap. And for your question Sammy, I have no ideas where we are, I'm completely lost. So, dose anyone know where the hell we are at?

Everyone looks around for a bit, before Darius speaks up.

Darius: I know where we are!

Darius starts to run off.

Darius: We're by the Carnotaurus paddock! I thought this place looked familiar.

Tyler: Alright everyone, you heard him. Let's go.

They all started to follow Darius as they start to go through some long grass.

Darius: I remember the fence.

They come out on the other side of the long grass to see that the paddock fence was destroyed.

Darius: The broken, ripped-down fence.

Tyler: Ohh... we are so dead.

Ben: That means... That means Toro is out here... with us.

Darius: Now we have to deal with the Indominus and Toro.

Darius then realize what Ben said.

Darius: Hold up. How do you know about Toro?

Yaz: We all know. Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened.

Yaz walks past them as she walks closer to the fence where Tyler was. Behind, Darius looks over at Kenji.

Kenji: In my defense, me saving you was super cool.

Darius: We know this enclosure is due north of the main park. So, if we keep going that way, we'll hit the visitors' center. We're sure to find Dave and Roxie, or someone else there in charge.

Tyler: And hopefully a better weapon.

Tyler holds a small rock in between two of his fingers.

Kenji: Yes! Exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am. Follow me!

Kenji and the girls walks off as Ben, Tyler, and Darius stay.

Tyler: When did he become the leader?

Tyler then starts to follow everyone else, leaving Darius and Ben behind.

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