Last Day of Camp

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An alarm was going off all over the park, as all the camper were still at the lagoon. As the alarm was going off the campers all met up with each other.

Male voice: Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in two hours.

Brooklynn: That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?

Darius: We have to move. The only way we're gonna make it is if we run.

Tyler: About that.

They all look behind Sammy and Brooklynn as they see Tyler helping Yaz jog to them.

Sammy: Are we sure that's the best way to get there?

Yaz: I'm fine.

Tyler: No you're not!

Yaz: Come on, I've competed with a torn ACL. You should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy.

Ben and Bumpy come running up behind the others.

Ben: What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally we have a problem.

Ben pulls a map out of his fanny pack and shows it to everyone.

Ben: We're here. The docks are on the southern tip of the island. Even if we ran at peak Yaz speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out.

Sammy: You don't know that.

Ben: Yes, I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over.

All the campers let out a groan, but Tyler as he let out a small laugh.

Tyler: Haha. Of course you would.

Darius: Okay, so we need another way. Um... Can we use those somehow?

Darius points at the Kayaks.

Darius: Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait? Or...

Brooklynn: Or make a few jetpacks real quick? Oh! We should befriend a unicorn! Face it. It's hopeless.

Tyler places a hand on Brooklynn.

Tyler: Hey cheer up Brooklynn, he's doing the best he can.

Just then an automated voice started talking.

Automated voice: We will be arriving at Main Street your destination for fine dining...

Brooklynn: Is that...?

Everyone gets up as Tyler helps out Yaz again.

Automated voice: and shopping at Jurassic World. Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and the South Ferry Dock.

The campers then see the monorail go by.

Kenji: Monorail, what-what!

Brooklynn: Mm, nicely played, Universe.

Darius: Hurry!

They all started running as they went up some stairs. Nearly everyone was up except Tyler, Yaz, Ben and Bumpy.

Darius: We gotta move!

Ben: It's nice havin' some company back here for once.

Yaz then push Tyler off of her.

Yaz: I'm fine.

Yaz then speed walk past Ben as Tyler comes up to Ben.

Tyler: Come on Ben, let get out of here.

And with that both Tyler and Ben started to run up the stairs with Bumpy right behind them. At the top Kenji, Brooklynn, and Sammy made it to the monorail ready to get on, before turning back and hiding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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