The Cattle Drive

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Darius, Sammy, Brooklynn, Ben and Kenji sat around a campfire as Darius was telling us all a story.

Darius: We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island. Claws... Teeth... Screaming... So much screaming.

Ben: How much screaming?

Kenji: Shh! He's getting to the good part.

Darius: The T. rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide.

Someone camera goes off.

Kenji: What?

Ben: Huh?

Everyone looked over as Brooklynn had her phone out.

Brooklynn: For the vlog. Keep telling your little story.

Darius sights as he gets right back into the story.

Kenji: Oh, here we go.

Darius: The T. rex sta—

Brooklynn: Dang!

Kenji: Ugh!

Brooklynn: Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?

Brooklynn shows Sammy her pictures

Sammy: Ooh!

Darius: Maybe I should start over.

Ben: No! In fact, you can just stop.

Kenji: Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now. And how is your grip this strong?

Darius: So, the T. rex stalked—

Sammy: Shouldn't we call Yasmina and Tyler over? I bet they love this story.

Darius flops onto the bench he was sitting on.

Brooklynn: Maybe they want to be alone.

Standing behind the group was Yaz as she was holding a note book, a few feet away was Tyler as he was looking off into the night sky.

Sammy: I don't understand.

Kenji: You know how sometimes people just wanna be left alone?

While the others talked Tyler was still looking out at the sky, when he saw some clouds come by. Tyler smelt the air as he knew what was coming. Tyler walked over to Yaz as he tapped her on the shoulder. Yaz closed her book as she looked up at him.

Tyler: It's going to rain, you should probably get inside before your sketch book gets wet.

Yaz looked at him for a bit before giving a slight nod and going inside. As soon as Yaz went inside thunder was heard as it started to pull down on everyone that was still outside. Yaz looked out as she saw everyone start to run in, as they were coming in she took a seat on the couch. As Yaz sat on the couch Sammy came up to her.

Sammy: You need a friend!

Yasmine would let out a small scream as she held her sketch book close to her.

Yaz: What?

Sammy: I'm such a ding-dong! You're alone. And when I feel alone, having a friend around sure is nice. I could use a friend, and you probably could, too. So I thought, "Yasmina needs someone to make the first friendship move," so, here I am!

Yaz: Um, I lost you around "ding-dong."

Sammy see the book Yaz is holding.

Sammy: Is that a scrapbook? I love scrapbooking. We can make one together. Pull you out of your shell.

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