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The Next Morning

We were all heading towards the Genetic lab, all but Darius and Kenji. Apparently Darius, Kenji, and Brooklynn went to the Raptor enclosure last night, and Darius and Kenji decided to jump into the paddock. And because of that they have to dig Dino crap. But besides that, we were about to see how dinosaurs are made. On are way there I was seating next to Yasmine and Ben, with Sammy and Brooklynn across from us. Brooklynn was checking here phone as she was looking at her followers.

Brooklynn: Ugh. I'm still dropping followers? "When are we gonna see cool stuff"? Chill, dude. I just got here.

Sammy: So, what's your next video? Ooh, maybe there's baby Dino eggs in the lab. Everyone loves a baby video.

Brooklynn: Whatever it is, it'll be cool.

I then pull out my phone to see a text from my dad.

(Y/N): How you doing there son?

I was about to reply when I heard a humming sound next to me. I look up to see Ben covering himself in sanitizer. Ben then stops humming as he looks over at me and Yasmina who are looking at him.

Ben: Sanitizer. Who knows what kind of creepy Dino goo is at that lab? Gotta be ready for anything. The world is a grab-bag of gross, and we're all just along for the moist, sticky roller coaster ride called life.

I then look over at Yasmina as I shrug my shoulders. She then ask me if I could hand over Ben's sanitizer as I give her a nod. I grabs Ben's sanitizer as I hands it over to her. She takes it as she put some on her hands. I then look back down at my phone as I tell my dad I was find and that I and a few others were heading to the Genetic Lab. Afterwards I pulled out a EarPod as played some music to past the time.

Small Time Skip

We finally arrived as I took my EarPod out and followed the group. Brooklynn has already started recording as we walked in.

Sammy: Wow. It's so shiny in here.

Roxie: This is a rare window into the park's inner workings. Not just anyone can come here, you know.

Dave: Yep, this is where the magic happens.

Dave then sees Doctor Wu.

Dave: Doc Wu-Wu! Guess who's ready to have a blastocyst from the pastocyst? The mitosis with the mosisis! We're ready for some chromosome, my bro-mosome. Wu, there it is! I can do more.

Wu walks away with a sigh.

Roxie: Please don't.

Roxie then walks ups behind Wu as she follows him.

Roxie: We're here for the tour, Dr. Wu. Camp Cretaceous? Ms. Dearing should have mentioned.

Wu puts the clipboard he was hold down on a table.

Wu: I'm sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again. I simply don't have time to spend the afternoon babysitting children.

He walk away as he spots Brooklynn filming some stuff on her phone, and approaches her as he puts a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

Wu: Young lady, no recording in the lab.

Brooklynn: But that's kind of my whole deal. You see, I have my own web channel-

Wu: And that's germane because...?

Wu turns around and walks away as Brooklynn sighs.

Brooklynn: I'm sorry, Doctor. I just wanted my followers to meet the genius who brought dinosaurs back to life. I mean, without you, there is no Jurassic World. But, hey, if you wanna toil in the shadows with Masrani and John Hammond get all the credit, I respect that. It's about the work.

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