Things Fall Apart

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The next morning

Tyler was chilling out in the living room of the tree house eaten an apple as a helicopter flowed overhead. Down on the ground Roxie was next to her truck as she was on the phone with someone.

Roxie: And despite the park's owner Mr. Masrani just now arriving, we have something that we urgently need to discuss with you, Ms. Dearing. You see-

Dave: Don't forget about the Raptor pen.

Roxie: Shh!

Roxie shush Dave as he stock his head out of the truck.

Roxie: I know, I know.

Dave: Or the kids getting lost in the storm.

Roxie: The point is—

Dave: Or the stampede during the storm.

Roxie: Shush! The point is, Claire, uh, Ms. Dearing, uh, we know that Camp Cretaceous is very important to Mr. Masrani, and that you were thinking of having your nephew join us today, but we've had two serious incidents over the last 48 hours. Dave and I need more staff immediately or we need to send the kids home ASAP.

Voicemail: The mailbox you are trying to reach is full. Please try again later.  

Both: Ugh!

Roxie: New plan: we do this in person.

Dave: Mm... I'm sorry, are you saying we leave the kids here alone? Our kids?

Roxie gets in the truck.

Dave: The kids who seem determined to get themselves trampled and/or eaten? Those are the kids of which you speak?

Roxie: We won't be gone long. If we leave now, we can be back in an hour or two, tops.

Dave: *scoffs* I'll leave a note.

Roxie starts the engine as Dave head up to leave a note. Once at the top Dave sees a Tyler chilling on the couch eating an apple. The two look at each other for a second before Dave speaks.

Dave: Me and Roxie need to leave real quick, we be back in an hour or two.

Dave then leaves, as he gets to the elevator he stops as he looks back at Tyler.

Dave: Your in charge, and no is allowed to leave until we get back.

Tyler gives Dave a thumb up as he takes another bit of his apple.


Everyone was chilling out as Darius came in busting through the doors.

Darius: What up, Camp Cretaceous? Whoo-hoo!

Kenji: Not in a "whoo-hoo" mood this morning, Darius. Not after yesterday. Trekking through a rainstorm will do that.

Ben: We only had to walk because you crashed our gyroshere.

Both Kenji and Ben look at each other angry, after a while Ben looked away as Kenji did to.

Darius: But today's a new day! Kayak Day! Who doesn't wanna paddle alongside dinosaurs, real dinosaurs? It's gonna be awesome, right? Wait, where are Dave and Roxie?

Tyler looks up from his paper.

Tyler: They had to leave early this morning for something, they should be back soon. But in the meantime, they left me in charge. Oh, and no is allowed to leave. But with you went to do something there're some crayon and some paper on the table behind you.

Kenji: Do they understand how old we are? I mean, when was the last time you even saw a crayon?

Ben who was drawing, turns his paper around as he show everyone a drawing of him and Bumpy together playing chess.

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