Chapter 9: The Game Begins

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We have our team at the department ready to hunt this Skinner guy down. One FBI agent, one hacker who could possibly destroy America one day if she chose to, three detectives with one of them having the ability to see ghost, one sidekick with an attitude, and a whole police force. We're going to find this guy, even that means I'll have to get my hands dirty on the streets to find him. I arrive at the station with Jenn and Cassy and I'm hit in the face by Dawn's yelling.

"This is impossible!"

Waye rushes over to see what's up with dawn when we come over as well to investigate. "What is it Dawn? What's happen?"

"All the cameras in the city...their all broken!"

"What!? How the hell is that possible?"

"Followers perhaps?", Jenn looks at Waye while giving the possible suggestion. But all Waye does is look straight at me.


"Yeah yeah I know. Go out there and look for evidence of destruction and sabotage. Jenn I need you to stay here."

"What, why?"

"Because your the expert in hunting criminals like him. Try to help them find out more possible reasons for this. Me and Cassy will go into the city and look around."

"Oh, alright then. Just be careful out there."

"What are you talking about? I'm always careful."

When me and Cassy get into my car, I immediately drop a plan on her. We're going to get downtown and if I can find any near by ghost I'm going to see if they know anything. I'll need her to go around the city and ask any body else if they've seen anything out of the ordinary. Once we arrived in the city, we took separate ways putting my plan in motion. I find a ghost hiding out in an alley and make my way over.

"Hey, buddy! I got some things to ask ya."

"Huh! You can see me!? Oh no no no no!"

Right when he noticed me he started making a run for it....great. "Hey! Come back! I just need to ask you some questions!"

I start to chase after him, having to jump over a fence that he went through and run into an old building he also just went through. I end up having to run up some stairs and see him right below me. I notice he's going to go through the wall again so I jump out a window right in front of me down the hall and land right in his path. Once he comes through he stops dead in his tracks and slowly begins to back away.

"N-No! S-Stay away!"

"Hey, calm down...I don't want to hurt ya, I just want to ask you some questions. I'm a detective in the city's police department, see?", I hold up my badge to him and he seems to calm down a bit, giving me the chance to ask him some questions. "Alright, last night, did you see anybody go to a street camera and destroy it or anything?"

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