Just a Few Fires

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I thanked Mr. Ollivander once more then put my new wand in my back pocket (not the safest place, but the people here didn't have plastic bags for your purchases). I wandered the street a bit, feeling something was out of place. Suddenly, I realized why. I had left my skateboard in the Leaky Caulron! I turned around abruptly and sped off towards the brick archway, quickly running out of Diagon Alley.

"What do you think it does?" I heard someone asked from a group of people all crowded around something.

"Do you reckon it's made for harm?"

"It's awfully hard, maybe you can hit someone with it," someone else added.

 I was starting to get suspicious about what they were talking about, so I elbowed my way through the crowd and saw they there were, indeed, talking about my skateboard.

"Hey! That's mine!" I said, snatching it from the bartender, who happened to be the one holding it.

"What is it?" Several voices asked at once.

"A skateboard? Doesn't everyone know what it is?"

"What do you do?"

"Ride it?"

"Like a broomstick?"

"A what?" I was sure I was going mad.

"It's so strange!" I heard someone say from the back. By then I was pretty much ready to go home, so I managed to break away from the crowd and get out of the pub. I rode home as quickly as possible, wanting to lock myself in my room and play with my wand, despite the fact that I didn't know anything at all about what it did.

"Hey Serina how was your day?" Mum asked when I walked in. I edged towards my room trying to keep my back, where my wand was, out of her sight without her suspecting that I was hiding anything.

"Good. I didn't get mugged. I didn't buy any clothes though- I just window shopped."

"Well I guess you saved your money then!"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Dinner is going to be in an hour."

"I'll be down in time Mum, but for now I'm going to go upstairs and work on some homework."

"You already have homework on your first week?"

"Yeah, I do."

"OK, well good job for doing it! Love you."

"Love you too." As soon as I was out of sight, I turned around and sprinted upstairs and straight into my room. I threw the bag of galleons, sickles, and knuts on the floor under my bed and took the time to really look at my wand. It was gorgeous, smooth, and felt powerful. What kind of power, I was still unsure about, but the word magic was tugging at the back of my brain. Part of me didn't want to listen to it, thinking that I was way off. The other part was putting together all of the things that would suddenly make sense if it was.

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