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"Get up Serina!" Tracy yelled from her bed, which was right next to mine. Seconds later, a pillow landed on my head.

"I don't want to go to Potions," I groaned, "Just let me skip."

"It's the first day of term. Do you really want a detention already? Who knows, maybe you'll get the record for earliest detention."

"Already do, my friend."

"From when?"

"Snape gave me one BEFORE start of term last year, when I was here early to catch up in my studies. And he very gleefully informed me that I was setting a school record."

"Just get up and we'll go down to breakfast."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"You're already ready?"

"Just putting my shoes on," Tracy said. "I'll give you ten minutes before I leave you."



"I'm on it!"

I climbed out of bed and grabbed my wand. I always showered at night, so I just flicked it and was in my school uniform.

"Damn, I can never get the tie right," I said, tightening it.

"You know most people just put their clothes on."

"But why would I do that when it takes me less than a second to wave my wand and be dressed?"

"I don't know how you survive over the summer when we can't use magic."

"Painfully. Now for my hair."

I grabbed some hair potion and put some on my hair, brushed it out, and then had perfect curls I knew would last all day. The last thing I had to do was put on makeup, which I had yet to master doing with magic. I put on a layer of foundation, winged my eyeliner, applied mascara, and finished with a pinky-nude matte lipstick.

"C'mon let's go," Tracy said, handing me my school bag.

"So who do you reckon will put their name in from our house?" I asked as we left the common room and headed upstairs to the Great Hall. At dinner last night, Dumbledore had announced the Triwizard Tournament, and also that Quidditch wasn't happening this year. Because of the age restriction, I think I was more upset about the loss of Qudditch than I was excited for the tournament.

"I wish I could," she said with a sigh. "Bummer there's an age restriction. I don't know who will put their name in. Flint, probably. Maybe Sevilla."

"Yeah, I can see both of them going for it."

"Well we won't find out for ages, since the tournament doesn't start for a while."

"Apparently the Weasley twins are gonna try to use an Aging Potion."

"If it works we need to get our hands on it."

"I'm sure we could get it from the, easily," I said.

"Well considering the way whichever one was checking you out yesterday, won't be much of a challenge." I had, of course, filled Tracy in on what had happened on the train yesterday.

"Just seduce it out of them?"

"Why not?"

"I'm sure they'll fail anyways. No one's gonna be able to get past Dumbledore."

"You're probably right. Hey Serina..."

"No I don't care if you go sit with Stephen. As long as Theo is there for me to sit with."

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